I was talking to some of my friends and reading "The Counter" by Kevin Blackwood, and it seems that in Canada and New Jersey that a casino cannot kick you out legally for counting cards. True? Where else?
That's true, though they have countermeasures that are just as effective. The Atlantic City casinos have been allowed to change the betting limits, and apply those changes to specific players at the table. In other words, "Mr S, your new betting limits are $10 to $30, while everyone else at the table can still bet $10 to $2000."
I didn't know they can't kick you out of a Canadian casino for card counting? At the casino I work at I'm pretty sure I've heard the pit mention how they've kicked players out for counting.
"In 1994, members of the team were arrested for card counting at Casino Windsor in Ontario, Canada. However, the judge ruled that the players' conduct was not cheating, but merely the use of strategy as it did not physically alter the game."
Hmm, I'm not sure what to think. Nor do I know a way to find out for sure what measures the casino can take against a counter here in Canada, short of asking a pit boss.
It shouldn't really be illegal. They have an advantage to begin with, and by couting you are just narrowing that advantage. If they want to change betting limits that is up to them, but they are too greedy to do that, so there shouldn't be anything wrong with counting IMO