New Mexico on my mind


Well-Known Member
Okay so the Sky is no good but what about some of the other games in New Mexico.

I see the Rt 66 with a .56 edge 6d game with only a 2 min, a 2d @.35 edge with only a 5 min. Isleta has a .26 6d 3 min and there are a couple other games that look decent in the area.

I have the bug to see how my play is going to net me and I will need to bring the wife this time. Rt 66 even has a play area for children and rooms for $66.

Any and all info on Alb. New Mex games would be appreciated.

Thanks again, Brothers in Arms.
New Mexico

Route 66 did just open up its hotel. It looks very nice. The games on weekends are that there are TONS of double deck as low as $5 min. Good odds. Don't know about the kid area--my kids are too old. The "KKX" nightclub has a waiting line of 50-100 people for some unknown reason. There is a girl "shadow dancing" on big screens visible from the pit closest to the nightclub, as well as a live scantily-clad girl dancing. We play here weekly. I recommend it. Another post I just made touts Isleta just south of ABQ as the place to play for now..."midnight madness." At least on weekends through March. I would not recommend Sandia--mostly continuous shuffle machines, but a beautiful casino. And if you are travelling, Inn of the Mountain Gods in Ruidoso (SE part of the state) is the most scenic area for a casino...the blackjack tables are okay. :cat:
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New Member
Yes I would say Isleta probably has the best game around here .25 edge and the only one I have seen with S17, the penetration there is also ususally pretty decent on the 6 deck games usually about 75% dealt although I have have had some of the dealers that dont cut so deep. Another place I like to play is Santa Ana Casino they also have a decent 6d game about .35 edge with about 75% pen. and 4d game ..29 edge same penetration. The dealers and pit at Santa Ana are some of the nicest I have seen.