So at the beginning of the shoe, depending on the game, the house has a typical .5% advantage. I've been using a strategy mainly for cover, but after reading around it seemed to be somewhat on par with opposition betting (referring to the wild bets at .5% to -.5% HA) and I was trying to make sense of the math in my head and wondered if I was correct.
Basically off the top of the shoe, instead of betting 1 unit, I'll bet 2 or 3. If I win, I let it ride at that level (not letting it ALL ride, just the same 2 or 3 units) until I lose and then go to 1 unit until the count says otherwise. If I lose the very first hand, then the second had Im back to the minimum 1 unit.
Now I assume that the deck has an equal chance of going positive as it does going negative and therefore, in the long run any continued wins would be cancelled out by losses correct? So ultimately, in the long run, I'm giving up .5% on a single bet. Is this right?
And then theres part of me that says a little more than 1/2 the time on the 1st bet I will lose and be out lets say 1 unit, if I bet 2 initially. So just on the outcome of the 1st had I will be just about equal in the long run, down .5%. But then since the 2nd hand, has a chance greater than 0% of winning, and so forth, it seems that Im not losing anything by keeping the same bet on the table and only increase my chance of being profitable. I know this cant be right, but if someone could help me with where my logic is flawed. Thanks
Basically off the top of the shoe, instead of betting 1 unit, I'll bet 2 or 3. If I win, I let it ride at that level (not letting it ALL ride, just the same 2 or 3 units) until I lose and then go to 1 unit until the count says otherwise. If I lose the very first hand, then the second had Im back to the minimum 1 unit.
Now I assume that the deck has an equal chance of going positive as it does going negative and therefore, in the long run any continued wins would be cancelled out by losses correct? So ultimately, in the long run, I'm giving up .5% on a single bet. Is this right?
And then theres part of me that says a little more than 1/2 the time on the 1st bet I will lose and be out lets say 1 unit, if I bet 2 initially. So just on the outcome of the 1st had I will be just about equal in the long run, down .5%. But then since the 2nd hand, has a chance greater than 0% of winning, and so forth, it seems that Im not losing anything by keeping the same bet on the table and only increase my chance of being profitable. I know this cant be right, but if someone could help me with where my logic is flawed. Thanks