Winning Blackjack for the serious player
By Edwin Silberstang: covers basic strategy, simple principles of card-counting, but also basic blackjack, the dealer, the casino, how to manage them, tipping, etc.
A little bit limited (I already have questions I cannot find answers to in this book), but very clear and entertaining. Most importantly, it covers all the basics I knew nothing about. Now I'm reading Professional Blackjack, by Stanford Wong, and can understand it (so far
). I guess I would've been lost without the first introductory book. Hope it wasn't full of ... voodoo though 
By Edwin Silberstang: covers basic strategy, simple principles of card-counting, but also basic blackjack, the dealer, the casino, how to manage them, tipping, etc.
A little bit limited (I already have questions I cannot find answers to in this book), but very clear and entertaining. Most importantly, it covers all the basics I knew nothing about. Now I'm reading Professional Blackjack, by Stanford Wong, and can understand it (so far