newbie intro and a few questions

Hi all,

So far, I've been a casual player at BJ. I do okay since I play very conservatively. I'm trying to learn the basic strategy tables to help my gameplay.

Since I live in northwest NJ, I go frequently to the Sands in Bethelem, PA and Mt Airy in the Poconos. Both have only table video BJ now. For those of you who don't know what this is, you play at a table with other players (total of 5 or 6, IIRC) against a video dealer. As far as I can tell, the rules are the same as a real BJ table: BJ pays 3:2, dealer hits on soft 17, insurance is offered, surrender is offered, doubling down is offered, split any cards.

The downside is each player and the dealer get cards from their own 6-deck shoe that is shuffled after each hand. This is what I was told anyway. So, I assume counting is out? So, is basic strategy the only way to improve play?

AC is too far for me to visit on a regular basis. But, I hear that the PA casinos are getting real table BJ next month. Hopefully, they will have decent rules.:laugh:


Well-Known Member
devils4ever said:
Hi all,

The downside is each player and the dealer get cards from their own 6-deck shoe that is shuffled after each hand. This is what I was told anyway. So, I assume counting is out? So, is basic strategy the only way to improve play?


Based on your description, this would play out just as a Continuous Shuffle Machine (CSM). Counting is useless. Basic stategy will reduce house edge, but is still a losing program. Have fun and hope standard deviation and luck smile upon you.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like counting is out if the shoe is shuffled after each round. Read Fred Renzeys' Blackjack Bluebook II and check out the KISSIII count-it's the best thing I ever did for myself.Then use KISS III after they put in that real game you spoke of. Good luck!:joker:
Thanks for the input.

I just picked up a copy of "Winning Casino Blackjack for the Non-Counter" and "The Color of Blackjack". Is "Blackjack BlueBook II" better than "The Color of Blackjack"?


Well-Known Member
devils4ever said:
Thanks for the input.

I just picked up a copy of "Winning Casino Blackjack for the Non-Counter" and "The Color of Blackjack". Is "Blackjack BlueBook II" better than "The Color of Blackjack"?
That's a little bit like asking if blue a better color than red. You can learn something from each book. Even the "bad" books offer lessons worth learning. Continue your reading and you will be able to discern the good from the bad.


Well-Known Member
devils4ever said:
Thanks for the input.

I just picked up a copy of "Winning Casino Blackjack for the Non-Counter" and "The Color of Blackjack". Is "Blackjack BlueBook II" better than "The Color of Blackjack"?
Get "Blackjack Bluebook II" for sure!