Newbie-stupid question


Hey All,

I'm new to the boards and somewhat new to the game. I was wondering if you are allowed to ask how many decks the dealer is playing with during a game or if that is frowned upon.


Well-Known Member
Gigantore said:
Hey All,

I'm new to the boards and somewhat new to the game. I was wondering if you are allowed to ask how many decks the dealer is playing with during a game or if that is frowned upon.
You can, and there is no reason it will be "frowned upon." If you are a counter, however, you should not ask this question because A) it may draw heat and more importantly B) you should be able to estimate the amount of decks anyway.


Well-Known Member
Everyone asks all the time

If you get heat for asking how many decks are being played, you are probably in a casino where you get heat for just sitting down.
You should be able to figure it out without asking but do not be paranoid about asking.



Well-Known Member
ihate17 said:
If you get heat for asking how many decks are being played, you are probably in a casino where you get heat for just sitting down.
You should be able to figure it out without asking but do not be paranoid about asking.

Yea, you probably would not get heat, but theres more reason to be given heat than if you didn't ask at all.
Ask anything you want...

Ask away... How many decks, how many cards that is, how long their shift is, is it their table or are they relieving someone, ask to see the burn card... Ask anything. People are generally helpful by nature and want to interact with others. Especially people like dealers who are largely sitting there doing their job like robots. Many thrive on a bit of interaction. It also makes it seem like you don't know everything, which is good. Dealers, pit critters, even security deal with unpleasant people all the time. Like Patrick Swayze says in Road House "Be Nice". It WILL get you a long way. And don't be too paranoid about "heat". People will tell you don't do any of these things- its a tip off to being an AP. Not true- Some people are curious and just want to know, after all, if your an AP- don't you know most of this stuff already? Relax, chat people up, be friendly and you'll be amazed at what they'll tell you if your willing to listen.


Well-Known Member
Me - "What do you got there? Looks like about eight decks."

Dealer - "Nope. Six decks. We don't have any eight deck games here."

Nothing suspicious about that. I try to word my questions like a ploppy so as not to seem like an expert.


Thanks for all the replies. I figured it shouldn't cause heat but it's been awhile since I've been around the casinos. Didn't want to have a bad start.


Well-Known Member
Gigantore said:
Hey All,

I'm new to the boards and somewhat new to the game. I was wondering if you are allowed to ask how many decks the dealer is playing with during a game or if that is frowned upon.
Just don't ask to see the hole card, that's really frowned upon. :(

Welcome to the game, you'll find lots of great info here. And some great people too. :)