NFL week 10


Well-Known Member
glovesetc said:
with a bookies and up to $20.00 any self respecting bookie will pay that !!!! The big bets $1,000.00 and over you are best off to fly to vegas at the beginning of the season and open an account there . Any casino is fine although you will get stuck with their line . I reccommend opening accounts at 3-4 casinos , shop the odds , shop the points , and shop the over/unders as well . This is the way we have did it for the last 27 years running !!!!:) :grin: ;) :cool: :cool2:
Do they let you guys just call in bets? They're only supposed to do it for people inside Nevada.


Well-Known Member
Very astute moo

You are supposed to be only allowed to call in bets if you are a resident of Nevada, place them in person , or you can send a person to place the bets for you . Want to phone - simple - get a non traceable phone from wal-mart and load it up with minutes and throw it away at the end of the season . Try and get one from a wal-mart in nevada when you go out there or a phone store . We have lots of relatives who live out there so they place the bets for us in person as they are on the account as well . Tommys son is the head of the Mirage aquarium , Bills daughter is in VIP services at Luxor and Mandalay bay so it never a problem for us . Guess if you were young - which we are not , I am the kid at 60 - and you were betting enough fly out on Sat night and take the red eye home on Sunday night . We used to do that back in the day but now there is just so many easier ways . Frankly Vegas is only good for great food , great restaurants, and shows . We go out usually once a year for 10 days and that is the extent of our vegas trips whereas we used to go out once a month in the older days minimum. Have not did that in 15 years probably . it is nice if you have relatives out there and as I stated before we have plenty . One guys son owns a tire repair shop , another ones kid owns a gift store , and another is involved in landscape design . Good luck today !!!!!:) :grin: ;) :cool2: :cool:


Well-Known Member
If, for some odd reason, you're considering a bet on the Browns, don't bet it now. They're gonna have 2 offensive linemen out, and they had protection problems the last time they played the Steelers.


Well-Known Member
I posted thay

I believe two days ago or yesterday and now the line is more in line so to speak . Ryan Tucker is back at starting and he was never any good to begin with . Another game to stay away from in my opinion but what di I know . It is totally an educated guess in picking football and of course deep pockets to load up when opportunity makes itself available . The only bets we place are the ones I post moo. No hiding bets or anything like that . What we post is what we bet only times 8-10 as there are a group of us that play BJ , Poker , and football betting together . Some weeks all 10 bet and sometimes only 8 or 9 . We do have arguments but then again it is very hard to argue against success. Hope all has a great week end today no matter who or what you bet !!!!!:) :grin: ;) :cool: :cool2:


Well-Known Member
I posted that

I believe two days ago or yesterday and now the line is more in line so to speak . Ryan Tucker is back at starting and he was never any good to begin with . Another game to stay away from in my opinion but what do I know . It is totally an educated guess in picking football and of course deep pockets to load up when opportunity makes itself available . The only bets we place are the ones I post moo. No hiding bets or anything like that . What we post is what we bet only times 8-10 as there are a group of us that play BJ , Poker , and football betting together . Some weeks all 10 bet and sometimes only 8 or 9 . We do have arguments but then again it is very hard to argue against success. Hope all has a great week end today no matter who or what you bet !!!!!:) :grin: ;) :cool: :cool2:


Well-Known Member
I stand corrected

I did not post it about the browns injuries but I must of forgot or it is in the wrong area . What can i say -My I.Q is smaller then my shoe size anyhow !!!!!!! We bet what we post and my picks are always up on Monday afternoon by the latest or tuesday morning .:grin: ;) :cool2: :cool:


Well-Known Member
plus the fact has zero interest in the

game as fas as a side goes but I did look at the o/u very hard and decided to pass .:) :grin: ;) :cool: :cool2:


Well-Known Member
moo321 said:
Do they let you guys just call in bets? They're only supposed to do it for people inside Nevada.
When I called the sports book at planet hollywood, they told me that they do not take phone bets. They said I must come to the sports book in person. So if what Gloves says is true about in-state phone calls, it won't work everywhere. They told me it was the law, but I don't mean to contradict Gloves--just passing on what they told me.


Well-Known Member
you are not contradicting aslan .

you are expanding on what I said . By law they can not take phone bets because of interstate phone line rules and regulations which is correct . How-ever you can be out of state and set up an instate account in person . Yes yiou have to physically appear or your agent must appear but then again once people get to know you well you know how that goes - there is a wide latitude in things anywhere .:) :grin: ;) :cool2: :cool: