Niagara Falls-Great view remains, tables change


Well-Known Member
A short while ago I visited the American side Niagara Falls store. There were always 8 deck shoes, 25 min. in the back room and 10/15 min. in the main room with the HL room 6 deck. Now it is ALL CSM tables except the HL room and 2-4 tables in the back room with 50 min. the back room also has CSM for 25 min. games and one 50 min.
The tables were full mostly except the 50 min. tables where there were 2-4 players at one and none at the other. This was when just 2 tables were open. In peak time when 4 tables of shoe games at 50 min. there were 2 tables empty and 3-4 players at each table. I had 4 sessions and could not believe the bad play at 50 minimum. I figured the few players at those tables would be close to knowing BS, but not the case.
I wanted to examine the other tables between sessions so I watched closely in both rooms and listened to table chat. The tables were full and the CSM kept the cards coming. Bets ranged from their min. 15 in the main room to 400. In the back room they ranged from 25 to 400. The CSM tables in the back room were full also.
The pit told me it was changed 2 months ago. Looks like they are raking in more than ever.
I have never seen a counter there and APs aren’t going to flock there for an 8 deck 50 minimum table to play so Pits aren’t even watching for an AP. Why would they? That’s almost not even in their job description now. They are getting more hands an hour from the CSM and surely beating the players I saw on the shoe games. The HL room is mostly occupied by just a few BJ player and one table sometimes full of Baccarat players.
The casinos on the Canadian side all started with the shoe games and are now mostly CSM. Since a tightening on security and the downfall of our dollar, there are few going across the border so this place is always crowded.
With no competition there will always be a price and it will be paid by the patrons. In the east, we pay!


By the way their rooms are beautiful with a great view. The Italian restaurant and the Steak House are top shelf.
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Well-Known Member
Baberuth said:
A short while ago I visited the American side Niagara Falls store. There were always 8 deck shoes, 25 min. in the back room and 10/15 min. in the main room with the HL room 6 deck. Now it is ALL ASM tables except the HL room and 2-4 tables in the back room with 50 min. the back room also has ASM for 25 min. games and one 50 min.
The tables were full mostly except the 50 min. tables where there were 2-4 players at one and none at the other. This was when just 2 tables were open. In peak time when 4 tables of shoe games at 50 min. there were 2 tables empty and 3-4 players at each table. I had 4 sessions and could not believe the bad play at 50 minimum. I figured the few players at those tables would be close to knowing BS, but not the case.
I wanted to examine the other tables between sessions so I watched closely in both rooms and listened to table chat. The tables were full and the ASM kept the cards coming. Bets ranged from their min. 15 in the main room to 400. In the back room they ranged from 25 to 400. The ASM tables in the back room were full also.
The pit told me it was changed 2 months ago. Looks like they are raking in more than ever.
I have never seen a counter there and APs aren’t going to flock there for an 8 deck 50 minimum table to play so Pits aren’t even watching for an AP. Why would they? That’s almost not even in their job description now. They are getting more hands an hour from the ASM and surely beating the players I saw on the shoe games. The HL room is mostly occupied by just a few BJ player and one table sometimes full of Baccarat players.
The casinos on the Canadian side all started with the shoe games and are now mostly ASM. Since a tightening on security and the downfall of our dollar, there are few going across the border so this place is always crowded.
With no competition there will always be a price and it will be paid by the patrons. In the east, we pay!


By the way their rooms are beautiful with a great view. The Italian restaurant and the Steak House are top shelf.
Clarification please:

ASM = automatic shuffle machine, shuffles the cards which are then placed in a shoe to be played.

CSM = continuous shuffle machine, cards are spit out of the machine and then put back in once the hand is complete. No shoe is used at all.

Which do you have here? ASM = ok, CSM = nada.


Niagara -- bad conditions for an AP

I just came back from a weekend at the Falls. I am newer blackjack player, and was doing some research on conditions up there.

The American side -- Seneca Niagara Casino -- forget it. All CSMs except for 50 min and up, as the OP noted. What is disappointing is that so many people are willing to play there, with the CSMs. Such conditions are not different than playing slots -- simply gambling.

I stayed on the Canadian side. Fallsview also only offers CSMs for the lower limit tables, and I didn't play there. Casino Niagara on the Canadian side had one or two shoe games at $15, and none lower than $15 when I was there Fri. night and Sun afternoon. People stand behind the players waiting for a chance to jump in, and one guy asked me to add his bet to mine as I was at the table. It's the first time that has ever happened when I've played.

The American dollar is not strong vs. the Canadian dollar right now. You lose money value not only when you buy in, but also when you cash out.

In terms of my play, I lost money at Casino Niagara. They don't offer surrender, and I will not again play where surrender is not an option, unless other conditions are ideal. I enjoyed their buffet though, much better than the one at my local casino in the States.

I love Niagara Falls & the area known as Clifton Hill. I will definitely go back, back, but never to play blackjack again.