Niagara Fallsview Casino Now Has 6 Decks Instead of 8


Active Member
I've been frequenting this casino lately and was happy about their recent switch from 8 decks down to 6. Has anyone here ever been backed off there? It doesn't seem like there is much heat at all. I'm wondering how far I can push things.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update. No. have not heard of anyone being backed off there. How's the pen?


Active Member
The pen was lousy at my last outing but it was pretty good the time before that varying from 2 decks to 0.7 of a deck. They don't have a notch and some dealers are overzealous while others dont want to shuffle as often so they cut a little less.

LC Larry

Well-Known Member
I know of a few casinos that went from 8 to 6 decks. Playing rules stayed the same. Reason for doing this was that the house edge on the side bets went up 2 to 3 percent more.


Active Member
LC Larry said:
I know of a few casinos that went from 8 to 6 decks. Playing rules stayed the same. Reason for doing this was that the house edge on the side bets went up 2 to 3 percent more.
With the number of people that play side bets I can see this being very profitable for them. I watch countless players going broke with them and they seem to care more about the perfect pairs or lucky ladies than they do the blackjack hand.

I haven't hit a true count of 8 yet on a lucky ladies table. That's the one sidebet index I have memorized.