Not the gordon count


New Member
I posted a question a few days ago regarding the statistics/Multiparameter Strategy Adjustments for keeping every count (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,j,q,k,a) and the adjustments for strategy played. A few members on here agreed that this is what i'm looking for below. It is not.

> Does anyone know where to get the complete strategy tables for the Gordon
> count (2,3,4,5=+1, 10=-1), with side counts of Ace, 6, 7, 8, and 9?
Not what i'm looking for.
I'm looking for much, much more information. EXAMPLE:
single deck, player hard 17 vs dealer 10.
know the 13 side counts; 3-a's left. 2-2's left. 4-3's left 4-4's left 0 5-9 left, 2-10's left in the shoe to play. What are the statistics for %'s hit/stay in this situation. Also the many many variations of this example. such as:
3-a's left. 2-2's left. 4-3's left 4-4's left 0 5-9 left, 12-10's left.
How has this changed my decision to hit/stay? what about if there were 4-9's left, and 4-8's? this greatly increases my chances of busting if i choose to hit. but what is that % statistics. The gordon count is not what I need.
Any information appreciated.

> Does anyone know where to get the complete strategy tables for the Gordon
> count (2,3,4,5=+1, 10=-1), with side counts of Ace, 6, 7, 8, and 9?
> I heard this was the most powerful card counting system.
> If you can actually master it (wouldn't be easy). You have betting correlation
> of .98 and an amazing playing efficiency of .922!
> I would like to know if anyone has ever used this system in actual casino
> play, and are the complete strategy tables in print anywhere?

I don't know if anyone has ever used it, but I'll bet you my entire
bankroll (except one penny of course that someone somewhere sometime
has used it. I think the following could be the Gordon Count's first
time "in print" for free. First I'll give risk averse strategy
adjustments using a modified version of the "bj-strat" program. Then
I'll give the multiparameter adjustments for all the side counts.

Risk Averse Main Count Strategy Adjustments

Blackjack Count Strategy Adjustments

Cards: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ace
Values: 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0
1 deck, no double on splits, dealer hits soft 17
300 unit bankroll, 1-3 spread


Well-Known Member
I've only heard about the Gordon count from one other player who was for lack of a better word, an amature. When I looked up this system I found one article on the count tags and a bunch of side counts. If someone is using this count I can only imagine they would need a second person for all the side counting. To me this count is two things, unnecessary and has far too much room for error in real world play. So can anyone explain to me why they would want to use so much unecessary energy for this type of system?


Well-Known Member
because you could probibly make 150% more money in single and dd games with way less variance which would call for less investment and risk, and you wouldnt have a playing strategy completely identical of a typical card counter.


Well-Known Member
Here you are:

.doc and .xls

(Dead link:

(Dead link:


Kilowan said:
I'm looking for much, much more information. EXAMPLE:
single deck, player hard 17 vs dealer 10.
know the 13 side counts; 3-a's left. 2-2's left. 4-3's left 4-4's left 0 5-9 left, 2-10's left in the shoe to play. What are the statistics for %'s hit/stay in this situation. Also the many many variations of this example. such as:
3-a's left. 2-2's left. 4-3's left 4-4's left 0 5-9 left, 12-10's left.
How has this changed my decision to hit/stay? what about if there were 4-9's left, and 4-8's? this greatly increases my chances of busting if i choose to hit. but what is that % statistics. The gordon count is not what I need.
Any information appreciated.
Get Blackjack Attack 3rd edition. Pages 506 to 522 have the EOR tables for each hand matchup close enough to have you decide to deviate from BS. On the right is the pivot point for the deviation given the number of decks that are used in the game you are playing. Make charts for each hand matchup that approximates the relative values of the card's EORs. Multiply out for the cards removed per your 10 side counts and add them together. Compare to the decision value on the right for the match up. If they will wait 3 minutes for you to do this the gain will be negated by the slow speed of the game. That is what you are asking for. Memorize 11 values for EACH hand and a ton of math after a herculean task of maintaining 10 side counts. Since you have persisted I assume you are planning on using some device to do this for you. DON'T GET CAUGHT. It is illegal in every jurisdiction I know of.