Now I must wonder


Well-Known Member
I spent the weekend playing blackjack. I socialize a ton at the tables with players, pits and dealers.
We talked baseball, we talked NCAA, we talked how bad some players are (generally begun by players almost as bad) but no one said a word about the movie.

I did witness one guy who was counting though and it was a good lesson in what can happen when a pure novice decides to spread his bets and bet much larger than he would have before seeing this movie. For a little background, you have a player whose knowledge of basic strategy is not limited, it is near ZERO. Just because you know you know to stay on blackjack does not mean you know much basic strategy.
So we have mister, double 9 vs 10, split 6,6 vs A, never hit 12 vs 2, but will often hit 12 vs 5 or 6, never split A,A vs 7-A and if I had watched him longer, my list would be longer, as "The Cardcounter!!!!" I look at him across the table and his lips go +!,+3. -! etc, in fact if my hearing were better, I might have heard the whole thing.
So the count (we had one nice monster count with both of us on the table) skyrockets for me, a player and The Cardcounter. Unfortunately, the majority of the guys play tended to bring more cards out and we might have lost a few rounds, but whatching him go from a $25 to about $100 and then up to $300 and get a pair aces, fail or fear putting another $300 on the table and then subequently hitting two faces for a bust and looking to the heavens perhaps saying, "do not believe hollywood, do not believe hollywood" got me thinking about asking if any others here have witnessed this kind of play.

As a sidenote, it does not take great mental capacity to do this, but it does take some.
Dealer double checked with the guy hitting his two aces and tried somewhat. Asked the guy if he prefers two 11's or one 2? "The 2 gives me more room to work."

There again, I also played with the guy who doubled on blackjack this weekend, but at least he was not a cardcounter, just a fool.



Well-Known Member
I haven't seen it yet, but I'm also going to keep an eye out for the signals used in the movie, it might be good for a laugh.

Problem is, if I see a noob counter (or any counter) at the table, my first reaction is going to be to bail. Might bring too much attention.


wow he is a ploppie...... that is most unfortunate i guess but thats really funny. you always split aces...That is like what he is looking for? He must have let his emotions get to him. Also i thought the movie tried to hollywoodize it. If you read the book its nothing like that and they make micky out to be a real bad guy etc. They dont even really catch them somone rats them out. And fisher never gets kicked out. Also fisher and the other guy drop out of MIT lol oh well.


Never double down on a BJ...:grin: ...I have at the proper time and have *never lost* making that move, ( a TRUE AP move when made at that "special time").
When you play a game with D-9-10-11 only you take advantage of special situations and move aggressively,,,,,, I will tell you it is one RUSH you will never forget, nor will any one else who witnesses it. :cool:

Come on Fellow AP's, ALWAYS split aces ?????-I DO NOT *always* split aces and when I do not, again, I have never those *special Times*. ;)

BJ Bro's and Bj Gals, try thinking "outside the box" and get in the "ZONE".

Creeping Panther
Proud MMOA Associate.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to lay back and watch for beautiful women crossing there arms like the girl does in the ads. Beats backcounting by a mile.


Well-Known Member
watching in amazement... the guy next to me splits his 6's v dealer the tough lookin gangsta, with his 47 lb chain, and cap thats 12 sizes too big for him, cooly stays on his soft 16 v dealer 5...why I still have an ounce of interest, I dont know. I try to explain to him, "you cant bust, and how "you can actually double your money with a hand like this, er, dis." "Naw", he says, " I feel safe with dis". But, as many have said, its these inexperienced plays that keep the game alive for us all. I love em' all !


Well-Known Member
golfnut101 said: the guy next to me splits his 6's v dealer the tough lookin gangsta, with his 47 lb chain, and cap thats 12 sizes too big for him, cooly stays on his soft 16 v dealer 5...why I still have an ounce of interest, I dont know. I try to explain to him, "you cant bust, and how "you can actually double your money with a hand like this, er, dis." "Naw", he says, " I feel safe with dis". But, as many have said, its these inexperienced plays that keep the game alive for us all. I love em' all !
geshhhhh he is obviously steering a 10 to the dealer to bust!!!! its called strategy, and every gambler has their own unique one which works the best it can for them. Some people prefer counting some people prefer steering 10s from the middle of the table to the dealer:) he knew what he was doing;)


Well-Known Member
I witnessed the King ploppy the other day... This guy was something else. He was playing 4 hands of $100. If he had any chance to double or split he would do it without a second thought. I witnessed him double A,9 v 10 and split 10's as many time possilbe against any dealer up card. He jumped into a high count I was playing and doubled his stiff 14 vs 6. I was a little upset at him eating cards but when we started doubling his 10's and 11's for less I forgave him.


ihate17 said:
I spent the weekend playing blackjack. I socialize a ton at the tables with players, pits and dealers.
We talked baseball, we talked NCAA, we talked how bad some players are (generally begun by players almost as bad) but no one said a word about the movie.

I did witness one guy who was counting though and it was a good lesson in what can happen when a pure novice decides to spread his bets and bet much larger than he would have before seeing this movie. For a little background, you have a player whose knowledge of basic strategy is not limited, it is near ZERO. Just because you know you know to stay on blackjack does not mean you know much basic strategy.
So we have mister, double 9 vs 10, split 6,6 vs A, never hit 12 vs 2, but will often hit 12 vs 5 or 6, never split A,A vs 7-A and if I had watched him longer, my list would be longer, as "The Cardcounter!!!!" I look at him across the table and his lips go +!,+3. -! etc, in fact if my hearing were better, I might have heard the whole thing.
So the count (we had one nice monster count with both of us on the table) skyrockets for me, a player and The Cardcounter. Unfortunately, the majority of the guys play tended to bring more cards out and we might have lost a few rounds, but whatching him go from a $25 to about $100 and then up to $300 and get a pair aces, fail or fear putting another $300 on the table and then subequently hitting two faces for a bust and looking to the heavens perhaps saying, "do not believe hollywood, do not believe hollywood" got me thinking about asking if any others here have witnessed this kind of play.

As a sidenote, it does not take great mental capacity to do this, but it does take some.
Dealer double checked with the guy hitting his two aces and tried somewhat. Asked the guy if he prefers two 11's or one 2? "The 2 gives me more room to work."

There again, I also played with the guy who doubled on blackjack this weekend, but at least he was not a cardcounter, just a fool.

Youi should have jumped in to partner his risk on the Aces. zg


Well-Known Member
You are absolutely right

zengrifter said:
Youi should have jumped in to partner his risk on the Aces. zg
ZG, honestly I generally would but after giving the dealer his reply, the guy would have probably turned me down. I think he distracted me to the point where I was really enjoying the drama (or comedy) (or trajedy) of the whole joke.
The point of the deal on his two aces was a TC of +7. I had two big bets out looking like I would win both (I won one and pushed one), so even though one might generally be always looking for AP opportunity, you sometimes just blow the shot at taking it.



Well-Known Member
ihate17 said:
....... got me thinking about asking if any others here have witnessed this kind of play.
not yet but i think it's going to be one heck of drama of comedy of error's to enjoy. lol. really looking forward to the specticle. probably gonna be much more entertaining than the movie was.
and Zen might have a point there this might just turn out to be scavenger heaven for a while.


Well-Known Member
ihate17 said:
I did witness one guy who was counting....
Wow that's truly impressive stuff beyond anything I could imagine lol.

But, no doubt, he'll go home and, maybe while perhaps rueing a little "bad luck", proudly say to himself "I am a card-counter".


New Member
If it wasn't for the guys who were dumb

Interesting the fool counter and the soft 16.. but remember if these guys didn't make dumb bets the casinos would likely close.....:laugh:
ihate17 said:
...As a sidenote, it does not take great mental capacity to do this, but it does take some.
Dealer double checked with the guy hitting his two aces and tried somewhat. Asked the guy if he prefers two 11's or one 2? "The 2 gives me more room to work."...
LOL. Wow, I cant stop laughing :laugh: Too Stupid:laugh: