NRF week in Vegas


Well-Known Member
I returned from my annual thanksgiving week trip east, a combination trip, blackjack and visiting with friends in Philly, just in time for the 11 days that is National Rodeo Finals week (11 days...NOT a week...and yet it seems like a month) :eek:

Since I moved to Vegas 7 years ago, NRF has always been one of my least favorite periods of the year. I don't know why? Those damn cowboys just seem to annoy me. :( For a year and a half after selling my condo, I lived in an apartment on the east side of town near UNLV. During NRF week the intermural sports fields at UNLV (Harmon and Swenson, near Hard Rock Casino) are converted to stables housing hundreds of the horses/cattle/bulls visiting for the week. The "aroma" remains in the air long after NRF week has ended. o_O

But my big problem is everything these folks do is in slow motion, whether you get stuck walking behind them...."moseying along" as they do, or god forbid at the blackjack tables. For god sakes...make a decision. 16 vs 10, isn't going to change your life. Hit or stand. Just don't take 5 minutes to decide! :eek:

So, 2 days in, I haven't really encountered a too many cowboys/rodeo folks yet this year. I am trying to go into it with a better attitude (can you tell?) o_O I'll keep ya posted. ;)
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Well-Known Member
I have to say, with 2 days remaining that I haven't been nearly as annoyed at the "cowboy invasion" as in past years. Maybe it has been my better attitude. ;)

A couple hours down at South Point was probably the worst of it. They really take over that place! I have also spent an extraodinary (for me) amount of time downtown this week, due to an unrelated situation at the Spaniard where they have one of the DD games on reserve, round the clock at special table limits of $500 to $2000 due to what is described as a special guest. It's funny to see those limits at EC, but makes for a good situation when Mr VIP is playing and drawing all eyes.


Well-Known Member
I have to say, with 2 days remaining that I haven't been nearly as annoyed at the "cowboy invasion" as in past years. Maybe it has been my better attitude. ;)

A couple hours down at South Point was probably the worst of it. They really take over that place! I have also spent an extraodinary (for me) amount of time downtown this week, due to an unrelated situation at the Spaniard where they have one of the DD games on reserve, round the clock at special table limits of $500 to $2000 due to what is described as a special guest. It's funny to see those limits at EC, but makes for a good situation when Mr VIP is playing and drawing all eyes.


Well-Known Member
KewlJ said:
I have to say, with 2 days remaining that I haven't been nearly as annoyed at the "cowboy invasion" as in past years. Maybe it has been my better attitude. ;)

A couple hours down at South Point was probably the worst of it. They really take over that place! I have also spent an extraodinary (for me) amount of time downtown this week, due to an unrelated situation at the Spaniard where they have one of the DD games on reserve, round the clock at special table limits of $500 to $2000 due to what is described as a special guest. It's funny to see those limits at EC, but makes for a good situation when Mr VIP is playing and drawing all eyes.
Is it still as sweaty as it's reputation says? Jackie Gaughan has been gone a long while.


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
Is it still as sweaty as it's reputation says? Jackie Gaughan has been gone a long while.
Howdy aslan. Good to see you posting. :)

El-co is still living up to their rep. But it's playable in short spurts. I'm talking one time through the bet cycle. Occasionally two, if you don't retreat all the way back after the shuffle. ;) I am talking 10-12 minutes at a pop. Most players don't like to play that way, but if you are a local, and pop in 3-4 times a week, while playing a couple other marginally playable (to me) games downtown, those little spurts add up. ;)

I have been playing EC regularly since I moved to Vegas in 2009. Had problems with one pit guy, named "Mo" (Maurice, I believe). He backed me off like 10 times. lol One time he followed me into the men's room to tell me I couldn't play blackjack. o_O But he retired about 3-4 years ago, and I have had no problems since.

lately I have started to get a bad vibe from a pit guy named "Paul" (looks about 60), so I have been avoiding him. He kind has that old mobster look to him. He is originally from NJ. And here's a little tip about Paul that some may find useful. He is married to a female dealer name "Kat" (she looks younger than him). "Kat" definitely shares info with Paul if she suspects you of counting, so be careful of that situation.

Otherwise, it's the same old El-Co. But I like to think of it in terms of the Sinatra song New York, New York. "If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere" or if you can figure a way to play there, you can play anywhere. :cool: