SWFL Blackjack
Well-Known Member
On a recent visit to a casino in the Midwest, I noticed a sign on a table I have never seen before. It read, almost exactly “For your protection, please hold your cards in a manner that doesn’t allow them to be seen by other players.” I had to read this sign three times just to confirm I had read it correctly. For the player’s protection? This is just comical. If the player flashes their cards, is a masked man going to jump out from behind the table and shoot them? Most casinos allow players to show each other their cards, and even ask the dealer for advice on how to play the hand. Any literature on 3 card poker will tell you that at even a full table, player collusion would only improve the game marginally, but nowhere near enough to make it playable.
What makes this even better was at the table next to it was a DD BJ game where the dealer made absolutely no attempt to cover the bottom card when removing the decks from the ASM. So much for protection…
What makes this even better was at the table next to it was a DD BJ game where the dealer made absolutely no attempt to cover the bottom card when removing the decks from the ASM. So much for protection…