I really don't want to get into the shuffle machine cheating debate. I know there are some members here that I have great respect for that consider the topic conspiracy stuff. If you look into it....it isn't. I have run into machines that were capable of clumping cards on 3 occasions now, 2 before I looked into it and once since.
I purchased a machine online several years ago, not from ebay, but privately from someone in Asia. The machine arrived as it would from the factory and did not have a mode to shuffle into clumps that could be punched in by code that I was looking for, so that is not a factory setting. However a private programmer that I was put in touch with was able to hook the machine up to his laptop and in a few minutes the machine was able to clump cards as I was looking for. I call that "having the capability" to do so.
I am about the stupidest person in the fields of computers and programing, so I wouldn't be able to do it, but some of you probably could. I don't know how complex it is, but it only took the guy that did it on my machine a few minutes. I am quite sure most casinos have someone in their employ that would be capable of this.
Now would they? Do they? And/or how frequently? Those are entirely different questions, going down a completely different avenue. But the capability is unquestionably there. Once you accept that the capability is there.....and it is, then it is simply a matter of if you trust and have faith in this industry not to use it.

Anyone remember the Mindplay fiasco? That was the casino industry intending to cheat and then lying about what the intent was.
Anyway, I guess I did get into the debate, so have at it.
And by the way, now several years removed from proving it to myself, I still play ASM's. The majority of games I play use ASM's including some of my better opportunities. What I have described above is
not widespread (at least not of games I have played). I would use the term 'rare' as I have encountered it 3 times that I can say for sure and I play a lot. Here is what I live by at the moment. If you are playing a game regular that just doesn't feel right to you, find a different opportunity. But don't jump to the conclusion that every time you lose or see clumping, it is cheating. Card clumping does occur naturally.
But at some point it will start to occur more and more and casinos will get busted for it. I would feel more comfortable if the was a
real casino commission looking out for this type of thing, instead of the commission we have here in Nevada that is almost in bed with the casino industry. When some casino does get busted there will be a relatively small fine and they will be told not to do that again.