Offering advice

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FLASH1296 said:

You aren't implying that you would suggest that a ploppy split his face cards if the count is negative enough, are you?
Not at all. I never give intentionally bad advice. I only give advice when I believe it's good for all involved. When asked, my most frequent reply is, "it's your money".:laugh:
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psyduck said:

It's great that our members still have humor! It looks like the guy who took my advice and lost!
That's Jerry Stiller. The line is paraphrased from a Seinfeld episode.


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advice on advice

I have run into alot of instances where advice asked for and hesitated to give it but not because of the risk of being targeted a counter. I know what the count is and what I should do but reverting back to bs and knowing what they should do is different then my index play. My plays make me look like any other ploppy and that's what I want. By giving advice to someone else might make them lose money and piss them off so I rarely give any advice.
creeping panther said:

Did you read what Ken said?

Do you understand what Ken said?

In light of what Ken did say do you want to go against his wishes and start something up with me again?:grin:

I actually did miss Ken's post. I'm neutral in all of this, not interested in attacking anyone.
Blue Efficacy said:
Problem is, APs, like anyone else, have people amongst their ranks who are bad before they even enter the casino.

I give advice obvious plays only. If asked about 10 splitting, I will often jokingly suggest they do it, even offer to go halves. We're here to gamble after all! :grin:

Players asking for advice on splits and doubles is a great opening for scavenger play, if that floats your boat.
It is, and its profitable to make friends with your neighbors. Often you'll meet someone who doesn't have enough money or is afraid to split, and you are in creasing both your EV and theirs by putting down money and making them do it. I'll also fill out their bet if they try to double for less.

On the other hand, it is risky because there is no guarantee they will pay you and there are ploppies who will screw you on those plays. One more good reason to not encourage people to make bad plays; someone who sees you screwing someone might in reprisal feel justified in screwing you on a scavenger play.


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
Many people have expressed befuddlement as to your extreme defensivness and need to be accepted in the totality of your claims, and in your strange,,seemingly need,,, to have me accept you, being almost a compulsive disorder you exhibit. You have stated that your father threw you out of the house (I wonder for what reason?) and you lived in a shelter for your senior year while playing baseball,,,but that is not what I recall you claiming at another time........but let us not digress. If this is the case, your problems with your father, and your need for acceptance here, something you clearly never received from your father, that would explain much to me about your actions and needs for total acceptance, applause and praise and your need to embellish when needed to attain that goal. If this is indeed the situation, and I think I may be correct, then what I would say to you is that you do have my sympathy and that you can and would be accepted for who you really are,,,,BJ Pro Extraordinare, or manager at a fast food resturant.:)

I am sorry Ken. I can't let this go without responding. If you need to delete it or ban me, I guess that's your right.

CP, when did I ever claim to be a BJ pro extraordinare?? I have always stated that I come to this site as a player and a student trying to learn from others.

Your posts have shown a lack of class and maturity for some time, but this one is a new low for you. Crosses you over the imaturity line and into the just an assh*le and nasty human being territory.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Wait a minute. The basic fact of blackjack- if you bet a lot of money when there are a lot of high cards left, you will make money.

Anyone who accepts and promulgates that fact is promoting advantage play, regardless of what else they have to say. Lots of people here have an interesting and improbable story to tell about their BJ career, and I do not hear KJ telling anyone to move into a shelter and play blackjack full-time, even though he did it. I don't tell AP's to drink at the table either, even though I do it.

Don't you assume that anyone who is intelligent enough to understand the theory of AP and implement it is intelligent enough to make these life decisions for himself?

Back to the original topic- yes, I give advice if requested and always give good advice without giving away my understanding to anything beyond basic strategy. If it's an index play, I dodge and decline. Nor would I ever give a muggle bad advice for my own benefit. The Golden Rule. Part of the challenge for any AP, in my opinion, is to ply this trade of deceit and self-interest without really giving up the kind of man that you are before you walk into the casino.
Well said!

PS--I'm referring to Automatic Monkey's post only.
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Well-Known Member
Okay, I think this thread has run its course. There were some good replies to the OP and I think we got just about everything we're going to get on that topic. Let's quit winners. Thread closed.

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