Many people have expressed befuddlement as to your extreme defensivness and need to be accepted in the totality of your claims, and in your strange,,seemingly need,,, to have me accept you, being almost a compulsive disorder you exhibit. You have stated that your father threw you out of the house (I wonder for what reason?) and you lived in a shelter for your senior year while playing baseball,,,but that is not what I recall you claiming at another time........but let us not digress. If this is the case, your problems with your father, and your need for acceptance here, something you clearly never received from your father, that would explain much to me about your actions and needs for total acceptance, applause and praise and your need to embellish when needed to attain that goal. If this is indeed the situation, and I think I may be correct, then what I would say to you is that you do have my sympathy and that you can and would be accepted for who you really are,,,,BJ Pro Extraordinare, or manager at a fast food resturant.