Playing at a new store today, DD more specifically. 2 of us were at this table, and I went to the bathroom during the shuffle. I come back during the first hand of the new shuffle, and look at a guy who has 3 split hands out, and hitting his 3rd. I'm staring down no paint or aces; the dealer has 8 and 8, hits a 2. The running count is +12 and the table has a nice sign on it -- "No mid-deck entry."
I was so sad, I wanted to max bet the next 10 hands but I had to watch the ploppy play it out
Floor sweat this table 65% of the time too, was weird. It was almost so much sweat that I bet from a ploppy-perspective he's like "geez, this woman is really watching this table." Only 2 of us most of the time and I would say nothing seemed suspicious at all. I was only spreading 1:4 and other guy not doing anything crazy either. Won 45 units eventually, so that was fun.
Also, some old-timer was at the table at 1 point and a deck or so before he leaves, I spread my max bet on +6 TC. He verbally says "he knows the deck is gonna be hot I guess, his bet went up." Oh ploppy. Why are you such a genius?
I was so sad, I wanted to max bet the next 10 hands but I had to watch the ploppy play it out
Also, some old-timer was at the table at 1 point and a deck or so before he leaves, I spread my max bet on +6 TC. He verbally says "he knows the deck is gonna be hot I guess, his bet went up." Oh ploppy. Why are you such a genius?