Oklahoma casino oversight scrutinized


Staff member
Not much to that article, but I know I have some pretty strong suspicions about Oklahoma's gaming integrity.

Of particular note is the way that large wins by players are like fish stories. It seems that the amount that the pit claims was won by players is always far more than the players actually won.

Could it be that some skimming is going on and and then the losses are blamed on the players? Hmmm.

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Any Talk of Cheating Against Players?

Probably any skimming increases the possibilities. A culture of lawlessness!:joker::whip:


New Member
I was at the Hard Rock in Tulsa. Because they take an ante all money actually won on the game is supposed to go in a "Player's Pool" and be given back to the players in the form of some promotion. I asked a dealer when they had the promotions and he rolled his eyes and said, "never." I asked if there were days when they didn't charge an ante as a way of giving back and he said, "never." He then told me that he had contacted the state oversite board or some-such saying that they never were giving back the money. He said he has complained a couple times but nothing is ever done about it.


Well-Known Member
It is my understanding, that in order for the Choctaw and Chikasaw Nations to get resort style casino gambling passed by the Oklahoma Legislature, one "provision" was that they be required to take a "rake" of 50 cents per hand on BJ. The "ante" goes straight to the State of Oklahoma. I'm sure it will be used to help fund public education, like the Texas Lottery does.;);)
FYI, all real afficiandos of BJ truely despise Oklahoma Blackjack. However, there are lot's of ploppies playin.
FYI again, I have played, and won every time I've played in Oklahoma.....
all 5 times:laugh::laugh::laugh:


Well-Known Member
And yes, I have "heard" of these joints "waiving" the ante for somesuch promotion. Mainly in smaller towns like Idabel etc. Never witnessed though...Hmmm


New Member
No Antes at Osage Millon Dollar Elm Casinos

The Osage Casinos have no ante promotions at all their properties with table games. Tulsa - Saturday, Tuesday & Wednesday. Sand Springs - Thursday, Friday & Sunday. Bartlesville - Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday. On these days the house picks up the ante.