Oklahoma Casinos


Apparently there is a lot of casinos in Oklahoma! Anyone know anything about these casinos in Oklahoma? In the Northeastern corner of the state there is a multitude of casinos all packed together... one is listed as "Casino & RV Park"!!!! Hahahaaaaa These are obviously all Native American casinos, this group located in Miami, Oklahoma. Anyone know anything about these places and their blackjack games? Anyone here ever plug in the ol' RV and then go play blackjack at the local teepee in Miami, Oklahoma?

If I go there and play and win will they get upset, scalp me and leave me in a shallow grave to get obscured by buffalo dung and sodgrass over a period of time?


Well-Known Member
I believe they have a fifty cent per hand ante in Okielahoma.Play heads up and you pay $50 an hour just for your seat.



Something tells me I won't be playing in Okielahoma any time soon or at all for that matter if that's the case! Antes???? Are you sure, Shad? I was thinking of stops as I may be driving through Oklahoma. The thought of this drive makes me think of that old television show, "Gunsmoke" and of how I could run into spitting images of "Festus" and "Miss Kitty" from the saloon and all. Perhaps see ol' Hoss drivin' some cattle out on the range... and play a little blackjack!

Now comes the hype vs. reality... instead of that I find out that blackjack there is stupid and out of the question to play... I see Festus' great grandchildren smokin' crack in a gutter next to an alleyway. A descendant of Miss Kitty (who has few teeth in her mouth and looks like she has not bathed in a while) is outside the local saloon trying to impress passersby with HER BJ skills (as long as you pay the ante) and I step in a pile of buffalo dung as I am rushing back to my car to get the hell out of there...


Tarzan said:
Something tells me I won't be playing in Okielahoma any time soon or at all for that matter if that's the case! Antes???? Are you sure, Shad? I was thinking of stops as I may be driving through Oklahoma. The thought of this drive makes me think of that old television show, "Gunsmoke" and of how I could run into spitting images of "Festus" and "Miss Kitty" from the saloon and all. Perhaps see ol' Hoss drivin' some cattle out on the range... and play a little blackjack!

Now comes the hype vs. reality... instead of that I find out that blackjack there is stupid and out of the question to play... I see Festus' great grandchildren smokin' crack in a gutter next to an alleyway. A descendant of Miss Kitty (who has few teeth in her mouth and looks like she has not bathed in a while) is outside the local saloon trying to impress passersby with HER BJ skills (as long as you pay the ante) and I step in a pile of buffalo dung as I am rushing back to my car to get the hell out of there...

Nice job Tarzan,

First you insult the Native American then the fine people of Oklahoma.:(

If you are looking for memorable BJ, casino experience.. take a trip up to Deadwood. A word of caution however, the Lakota and Cheyenne of those regions will not appreciate your sarcasm.. so best to keep it to yourself.



Well-Known Member
Not all games are ante games. I worked at a power plant in Coffee, KS, just north of OK. There were some decent games in OK.


Well-Known Member
bjcounter said:
Not all games are ante games. I worked at a power plant in Coffee, KS, just north of OK. There were some decent games in OK.
Which ones. I'm only going by a former poster here that said that you had to go to Kansas to lose the fifty cent antes.


Tarzan said:
Anyone here ever plug in the ol' RV and then go play blackjack at the local teepee in Miami, Oklahoma?

If I go there and play and win will they get upset, scalp me and leave me in a shallow grave to get obscured by buffalo dung and sodgrass over a period of time?
Here is a person who needs a to take a class in Sensitivity Training or to be taken in back of the wood shed and taught a lesson in life.


Tarzan said:
Something tells me I won't be playing in Okielahoma any time soon or at all for that matter if that's the case! Antes???? Are you sure, Shad? I was thinking of stops as I may be driving through Oklahoma. The thought of this drive makes me think of that old television show, "Gunsmoke" and of how I could run into spitting images of "Festus" and "Miss Kitty" from the saloon and all. Perhaps see ol' Hoss drivin' some cattle out on the range... and play a little blackjack!

Now comes the hype vs. reality... instead of that I find out that blackjack there is stupid and out of the question to play... I see Festus' great grandchildren smokin' crack in a gutter next to an alleyway. A descendant of Miss Kitty (who has few teeth in her mouth and looks like she has not bathed in a while) is outside the local saloon trying to impress passersby with HER BJ skills (as long as you pay the ante) and I step in a pile of buffalo dung as I am rushing back to my car to get the hell out of there...

Typical big city attuide. New Yorker or New Jersey.



If someone were coming to Atlantic City, looking forward to all the beauty, scenery and splendor of the Atlantic City boardwalk, the lavish restaurants, the casinos, etc. and speculated on the possibility of anything being amiss... would they be "politically incorrect" and an evil bad sort of person? Apparently! In a noted annual travel publication, in the year 2006, said publication talked of "remaining in common tourist and casino areas for safety" due to the high crime rate, etc. in Atlantic City.

It's a fact that if you stray out of the casino areas by just a few blocks, you can end up in "no man's land"... some very dangerous crime ridden "project and blighted" areas. Robbery, theft and everything else happen even in the well-patrolled tourist areas at times. None of this changed by 2007 and as a matter of fact it got WORSE by 2007 but this same information was omitted in the 2007 publication!

Why is this? POLITICALLY INCORRECT EVIL STEREOTYPING THAT IS OFFENSIVE TO THOSE THAT ARE ULTRASENSITIVE TO SUCH THINGS! We would rather have unwary tourists accidentally wander into seedy, unsavory areas and be stabbed and robbed rather than being truthful about the situation or saying anything that would imply that we are thinking in some stereotypical way toward the native folk that live in the "projects" and blighted areas of Atlantic City!

In musing about the possible beauty and interesting aspects of the heartland of the U.S., I brought up the possibilites of the flip side, doing so in a humorous fashion but anytime you even touch on some subjects, whether true or not that can be construed as something that is stereotypical, you will infuriate the ultrasensitive. You may also provide the ultrasensitive politically correct fanatic just what they need to label you as some sort of racist, even if you are not anything of the kind.

Worry not, Oklahoma! After looking further into what Shad said and making a few calls to the "casino and RV park" and a few other casinos, I found that there is a 50 cent ante on each hand of blackjack in the entire state of Oklahoma. I won't be stopping for anything but gas in Oklahoma to avoid being insensitive to these fine people.
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Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Which ones. I'm only going by a former poster here that said that you had to go to Kansas to lose the fifty cent antes.
Sorry, I wrote Coffee, KS before, it is Coffeyville. I can't remember all names off the top of my head, I know one was Kwapaw (sp??) around Miami. All of them were south of Coffeeville scattered east and west, all within good driving distance. I was only there for about a week, about 2-3 years ago.
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Well-Known Member
Worry not, Oklahoma! After looking further into what Shad said and making a few calls to the "casino and RV park" and a few other casinos, I found that there is a 50 cent ante on each hand of blackjack in the entire state of Oklahoma. I won't be stopping for anything but gas in Oklahoma to avoid being insensitive to these fine people. [/B][/QUOTE]

(Dead link: http://www.quapawcasino.com/blackJack.htm)

Here is the link showing no antes.....
Look at (Dead link: http://www.OklahomaCasinoGuru.com) It is a new website that is an Oklahoma Casino Guide...it lists every casino in Oklahoma as well as featured casinos that tell you everything going on about the casino from tournaments to lodging. It is new...just launched October 1...will be including more featured casinos as it progresses and casinos join.

To answer your question...ALL casinos in Oklahoma charge an ante...unless the casino is willing to pay it, which some are. You can find casinos that offer no-ante on certain days of the week or alternating months.

FYI...Fort Sill Apache Casino in Lawton, Oklahoma (Southwest, OK) is going to have a $250,000 tourney in November. $100,000 for first. Check out (Dead link: http://www.OklahomaCasinoGuru.com) or (Dead link: http://www.okcasinoguru.com) (same site) and look under casinos and Fort Sill Apache for all the details.
Bump. Anyone know if any casinos, particularly the far southern ones, have certain days/times where the stupid ante is waved? I live in the DFW area, and I don't want to drive all the way to Shreveport to play.


Well-Known Member
maddencutter said:
Bump. Anyone know if any casinos, particularly the far southern ones, have certain days/times where the stupid ante is waved? I live in the DFW area, and I don't want to drive all the way to Shreveport to play.

Believe me. It is worth the drive to go all the way to Shreveport!
I have played in Oklahoma, and it's not good.


Well-Known Member
I did not know of this guru.
Tarzan, I pull my 5th wheel to the casino RV park all the time.
I can actually LAY on my bedspread and not worry abount: bedbugs, leftover crack mixed with mucous, fecal matter, toe nail fungus or any other fungusamongus or dried (+,-) urine.
I bet I can get all that ( and a servibar ) anywhere on the right coast. Oh , and before we insult anymore "indians" let's ask the Aloquin how they feel about the formerly beautiful East coast ( and I mean all the way to the Great Lakes ).
Actually, I am on the waiting list at Co-op city in the great metropolis of NYC.:( Google it sometime.
BTY, Blackjack in Oklahoma sucks due to the 50 cent ante. That has more to do w/ politics, influence, Oklahoma legislature, money, and the Chickasaw and Cherokee Nations than the regular Oklahoman, White, Native or otherwise.
Respectfully and w/ a tongue in cheek Texan.:cool:


Well-Known Member
I'll be driving through OK on Saturday. Last trip I stopped at a couple of casinos on the way, but apparently blackjack is only played at night or weekends, because no tables were open and hardly any customers were in any of the casinos I visited.


Staff member
Some casinos there are packing 'em in, despite the 50c ante.
WinStar just over the border north of Dallas now claims to be the largest casino in square footage on the planet I think.


Well-Known Member
Yes, they do claim the biggest casino in sq. Ft.
Guess I'll have to drive the hour trip and see.
Was just a big damn tent b4 the big remodel. Still an ante BJ game with CSMs
and hand dealt and ploppies galore. Although "the Split" BJ tournament is going on with :

Over $500,000 in cash and a new BMW 335i, valued at over $50,000, will be given away during The Split!


Well-Known Member
Winstar World Casino

Visited Winstar this past weekend, purely for research purposes;)
They bill it as the worlds' largest casino ( sq.feet ), like Ken pointed out.
I believe it is. It's huge. However...
It is still a bunch of big damn tents, now with a cheesey facade.
You can "travel the world". Beijing, Paris, New York, Cairo ?...whatever.
We got from Paris to Beijing in like 48 seconds...:eek:
Slots, slots and, oh yeah slots. Blackjack is all 6 deck, S17, DOA, DAS, Aces split : get 1 card only, no surr.
All 50 cent ante. 70% CSMs. 30% ASMs.
Funniest (or saddest ) part was $5.00 - $200.00 table with a CSM.
And it was packed:eek::eek::eek:
I did play one ASM shoe and sat out probably 70% of it.
They also have pai gow, 3 card poker, ultimate carribean stud, video american roulette and let it ride. All 50 cent ante.
Also, a huge bingo room, poker room and offsite pony betting.
And they now serve alcohol on the casino floor...as long as you pay for it.