one that works for me


New Member
After many years in the Casino industry i have seen that the majority of all blackjack players make the same mistake. They learn to play perfect stradegy but then that is it. The Casino's are laughing.

Of course you have to play perfect stradegy but what about the betting pattern?? Maybe 1% of all players now how to bet.

Check my site where i explain in a very brief description how to bet.
Try it out and let me know how you do!
not for me

Hmmm... more progession betting tactics. I went to the link at looked at his "stradegy" on how to make money and noticed that he uses a progression in which it takes 9 wins in a row to stop for the night. The problem with this is the probability of winning 9 in row is approximately .03%. Doesn't seem worth the gamble to leave winning .03% of the time :eek:


Well-Known Member
JJcoolL830 said:
Hmmm... more progession betting tactics. I went to the link at looked at his "stradegy" on how to make money and noticed that he uses a progression in which it takes 9 wins in a row to stop for the night. The problem with this is the probability of winning 9 in row is approximately .03%. Doesn't seem worth the gamble to leave winning .03% of the time :eek:
NINE wins in a row???? I'd rather play the lottery or drop money in MegaBucks!


Personally, I prefer the lower risk of flat betting with a limited progression, based upon the "up and pull" strategy. You don't gain as much, but you also can stay around longer without losing your shirt. Eventually, you just play with the winnings. Once you are up, by dividing the winning stacks at set intervals and pocketing the chips, you assure a limited profit for the session. Just my $.02, in case anyone cares...


Jeff Dubya

Well-Known Member
Following on some earlier comments by Ken... is "stradegy" the same as "strategy?" Or is it something different?
On his website, he states his occupation as "Casino manager". A casino manager that spells it "stradegy" instead of strategy, "now" when he means know, and uses the lower case i, instead of a capital letter. (And he's pushing a progressive system where all it takes is 9 consecutive wins before you "go home" as he puts it). Then again, it sounds like he actually IS a casino manager. :eek:

Jeff Dubya

Well-Known Member
HAHAHA no kidding. Like "come play this stradegy at my casseenoh."

I'm thinking nasty, sticky unwashed plastic chips.


New Member
Thank you

There are so many nice people in this forum. Why don't you just mind you own business instead of slagging other people off. You must be so bored.
And for the language, we are not all native english speaking. How many websites can you write in a different language than english??


Well-Known Member
Nonetheless advertising a betting progression and trying to come off as a professional is an insult to the nice people on the message board. Betting progressions don't work, and even most of the people on this site who play betting progressions will agree. They can be fun and you might win a lot at times but in the end you lose.


New Member

I don't get you guys. I thought the idea of forums like this was to share your experiences with other players that might be looking for a betting pattern or just want to know about the different options. You know as well as everybody else that it's gambling (or gaming we should call it now) What i am saying is you are better off with progressive betting than just sitting playing the same flat bet all evening. So please stop being so hostile and if you don't agree by all means post your comments, but don't write stupid comments just to make yourself feel smarter.
I have played this system for 16 sessions with a $100 initial bet and did not lose one single session yet. At this very moment i am winning $42K. I know i have been lucky as well but hey that's a part of the game.
So please keep the comments friendly and share your experience with similar systems if you like.
thank you


Well-Known Member
As a reminder the way to calculate your expected losses playing blackjack is:

# of hands played x average bet x casino edge (approx 0.5%) = expected loss

By playing a betting progression as opposed to flat betting you're increasing your average bet, therefore you're increasing your expected losses based on the above formula.

There was a thread recently on a different topic where someone mentioned that another website, perhaps Arnold Snyder's, where he offered a bet to anyone who could devise a betting progression that actually made money. If someone could repost that here that would be much appreciated. My offer then to cruisedk is to do something similar and enter his betting progression in a computer program and run 1,000,000 hands. If he ends up ahead then I'll quit counting cards and adapt his strategy.

I apologize to cruisedk if I come across as rude but I didn't think I was being rude, more so, blunt.


Well-Known Member

<<<What i am saying is you are better off with progressive betting than just sitting playing the same flat bet all evening. >>>

Why do you say that CruiseDk? According to the mathematics behind the probabilities of Blackjack, you are exactly the SAME by progressive betting versus flat betting, assuming you are playing perfect Basic Strategy and are not wagering based upon some additional information about the deck (ie, counting or knowing what the dealer's hole card is or better yet, knowing what YOUR next hand will end up being.)

The expected loss is the same as determined by the house edge in that game you are playing whether you are flat betting or betting progressively. That house edge, applied to the total amount you have bet during the session will give you the expected return. You may win more and may even win more most of the time if you are lucky, but since you are betting more, you are eventually going to lose more also. It all evens out if you play long enough.

But, while I'll stick now with recreational play and primarily flat bet unless I accumulate knowledge that indicates a favorable situation for me, I wish you continued favorable variance (GOOD LUCK) in the application of your progression system.

The "$20,000) challenge listed below has been removed because there were no takers other than one person who thought his system unbeatable. He threw in the towel after something on the order of 1,000,000 hands of simulated play and forfeited his $2,000 wager.

Take a look at or go to and read comments from one of the recognized "best in the business" (Michael Shackleford) on odds determination. While you are there, read the credentials of Shackleford (About the Wizard) just so you know he is no crackpot.

With all of that said concerning my opinions of "progressive betting strategies" I will add something I think constructive rather than just downplay the notion of betting on streaks.

If you are not inclined to develop skills as a card counter, you might take a shortcut that is not all that dependable yet, one that can give you a little bit of an advantage.

Try to find a table that is pretty much "full" and that is also dealt "face up." With a full table, you can see more cards in play at one time than when playing at a table with only one or two players.

"Watch" the cards in play. If you see a round dealt that consists of nearly all low cards (2-6=low, 10-Ace=high), then you have a little bit of knowledge to suggest that the deck might be rich in high cards, assuming that you have not seen a prior hand consisting of predominately high cards. This is advantagous to the player so double your bet. Consequently, if you see high cards fall, drop back to your minimum. I'm not talking about hands where there are only 2 or 3 more low cards than high (or the other way around). I'm talking about somthing like a 4 or 5 to 1 ratio one way or the other.

As far as I'm concerned, this is a betting strategy. It is also a very crude and unreliable method of "card counting." It will not work as well as knowing the actual ratio of high cards to low cards in the remaining deck, however, if you are going to be changing your betting amounts anyway, it is better than basing it on whether or not you won or lost the previous hand.

I will note that I have used this and found it much more effective with Double Deck than with 6-deck shoe games. I also note that I've lost using this method. Unlike true counting, this method does not consider the hands dealt in which the high cards that have fallen only slightly outnumber the low ones that have fallen.

However, if you simply cannot bring yourself to flat bet and absolutely must vary your bets, it is somewhat more sensible to base that decision on incomplete (and sometimes completely inaccurate!) information than on no information at all.

Jeff Dubya

Well-Known Member
I'm going to step up and apologize as well. My comments were pretty rude, especially from a self proclaimed newbie. However, I have been dealing with a lot of internet scam artists these days, so the mispellings were a big red flag for me. I am also suspicious when someone has the master plan, but rather than post it in a forum, they post a link instead.

CruiseDK, using this strategy, what is the size of your original bankroll. According to what Mike and Ken seen to ellude to, it should be about $4000.

If you can hit a run of 100, 200, 300, 500, 500, 700, 1000, 1400, 2000 you better believe that you should quit and go home! So, let me just say I am skeptical because the system is too simple. It's like saying bet $1000 and hit a blackjack. Do that another 10 times in a row and you're set!

I have only been playing seriously since July, but I can tell you that a streak of 8 consecutive wins is rare from the games I play and watch. To me, even not knowing the math that Mikeaber has the uncanny ability to generate, it just seems like a really fast, although potentially fun, way to lose your original $100.

So in short - your system sounds like crap to me. If you have played $100 to $42K, congratulations - you are a seriously lucky guy. I would be interested in how much you lost before that, what your original bankroll was, and how much you lost before going on such an incredible streak.

However - I serioulsy apologize for the personal attack. It was uncalled for and will not happen again from me.


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys!

I haven't been here for a while, but some things just haven't changed.

I have a simple question.

Are betting strategies even worth mentioning?
What about pushes? losses?

Dear Cruise,

I'm assuming that LOSING a hand sends me back to the beginning of the betting progressiion?? ($100)??

What about a push? Do you just ignore it and stay at (say) level $300, or should I count is as a LOSS and go back to betting $100??



New Member
Good luck

Yes doublefiddle, when you lose you go back to your initial bet of $100. You only press if you win, not on pushes. should you push on for example $300 you leave you bet out and continue.
FYI: Yesterday i had an amazing run of 14 hands without losing. I was $8K in the minus but miracles are still to be seen.
Good luck doublefiddler, i hope you have as much success as myself.
E-town guy/manray. Thanks for being men enough to apologize. I hope you will win with whatever system you use.