The shit that KJ has endured over the years from a few unobjective members on at least five boards that I am aware of, and he continues posting through all of it, right up to this present day, says plenty about his character.Playallin said:For you Mr. BoSox I handled it PERFECT! I was helping him correct a flaw in his character.
Call it whining, but if you have never been on the losing end of a Norm histrionic stacked deck excommunication you cannot fully appreciate how unjust, invalidating and painful it can be. And the lies that follow such event can be horrific!Playallin said:Whining get the point about his little hurt ego. I hope you understand but I am sure you don't or you would have gotten the point.
You could of been the next one if those couple of posts were not deleted. You would be confessing your sins to us.xengrifter said:Call it whining, but if you have never been on the losing end of a Norm histrionic stacked deck excommunication you cannot fully appreciate how unjust, invalidating and painful it can be. And the lies that procede such event can be horrific!
Yes, my daughter ...Playallin said:You could of been the next one if those couple of posts were not deleted. You would be confessing your sins to us.
You don't see ZG crying about it? He started an entire forum in which that was the dominate topic. Lol.Playallin said:One thing about you is a don't see you whining from site to site crying like a little bitch. You just come from a long line of grifters and are keeping the family tradition going. You got caught and done your time. Nothing wrong with that.
Quit feeling like a victim. Get some counseling for your insecurity.KewlJ said:You don't him crying about it? He started an entire forum in which that was the dominate topic. Lol.
A long line of grifters? Ha!Playallin said:. You just come from a long line of grifters
Well, going back to the early 1800s, my great-great uncle Lord Gregor McGregor Dalton of Scotland ... He actually invented his own country somewhere in South America, I'm not sure he even ever went there himself but he sold land he sold the currency of that mythical Nation and thousands of dreamers, mostly hapless Brits, invested their money and proceeded to move to the new promised Land called Poyais. Uncle Gregor set a high bar for the family.Playallin said:What was the biggest grift that your family ever pulled off other than you? Don't tell us about yourself we know that story. Waiting to hear your story.
In 1820, the year of George IV’s accession, there came to London from the Americas, His Serene Highness Gregor the First, Sovereign Prince of the State of Poyais and its Dependencies, and Cacique of the Poyer Nation. He arrived unheralded and without ceremony but, within a few months, his name was to flash like a meteor across the skies of contemporary fame and as rapidly to pass into oblivion.
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Good luck to them. I would have never believed you a Scot and I still don't. Just a grifter telling us bull. Here I thought you were going to help us on our AP.xengrifter said:No, sorry, several grift family members are still quite active... But Uncle Gregor's story is a good read nonetheless. Quite entertaining. One of the greats!
What is your level of practice?Playallin said:Good luck to them. I would have never believed you a Scot and I still don't. Just a grifter telling us bull. Here I thought you were going to help us on our AP.