

Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
yup i know.

i just wanted to make the point that (imho) the unfair & what i believe should be illegal (because it abuses our civil rights) practice of allowing a business which is open to the public to trespass law abiding citizens for what ever reason they desire. the game of blackjack is offered to the public and yet all of a sudden the proprietor of the business is allowed to decide (for whatever reason) that he can single out any law abiding citizen from exercising his right to play that game. such action is backed by law, just me maybe but that is just plain immoral, wrong and evil. if the game is not good enough for all citizens then it should not be offered.
but really i was simply offering my thoughts on a justification for what is a minor act of deception (ie. counters vs casino).
that justification is, it seems to me, rooted in the evil represented by an unfair discriminatory trespass law.
Froggy for president!!! Ribbit...JtMM:cool:

Billy C1

Well-Known Member
Gaming commissions

Is it true that the Nevada Gaming commission rarely bucks the casinos? I've always heard that but have no experience with it myself.
Some of the Native American places supposedly "police themselves" (good luck with that!):laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
