Palace Casino, Gt Yarmouth, UK


Well-Known Member
Has anybody been to the new Palace casino in Gt Yarmouth yet?

if so, What BJ games do they have?

Do they use CSM's or not?



Well-Known Member
A.Conti said:
Are you thinking of counting in this casino?

(I've never visited it just wondering)
Yeah, I was in Yarmouth last week and tried to have a quick look but unfortunately they have a dress code of no jeans or trainers, which I didn't know about.

Apparently, this casino is owned by Patrick Duffy, so I also wondered if they have British or American style BJ? Do they use CSM's for all, some or no tables? Pen? etc.

Yarmouth is over an hours drive from me, so I don't wanna make a special journey if its crap.

I know the Grosvenor uses CSM's and the Mint only has 2 BJ tables and one of those has a CSM. So not much choice so far.


I've been on the world casino directory and the palace casino in Gt Yarmouth has not yet been entered in it.


Well-Known Member
I finally visited this casino.

No CSM's or ASM's here,

Info has been edited due to Harman request, if anyone want information on any of the casinos in Yarmouth then PM me.


Well-Known Member
change this post above, if the casino reads it they will change the rules.. EDIT YOUR thread, save this place for yourself man :)