21forme said:
I think he is trying to be 'funny' in that odd ZG way.
I consider myself an AP (at the salamander level

) and my partner and myself eat at buffets probably 4 times a week. And as an AP, I seek value. Some of the local type places, like Sam's town, Gold Coast, most station/fiesta properties including Palms (but excluding Palace Station), meet that criteria. My partner and I eat our bigger meal mid afternoon, like 2pm-ish. That means lunch prices...generally $7.99 range. AND we incorporate multiple discounts, senior day for my partner, 2/for/1 coupons that come in the mailers,
on top of our discount for higher tier level. Most of these meals end up costing $2- 3 each and using points avoids any tax.
It's more than seeking value for me....eating courtesy of the casinos
every day, sometimes multiple times in a day is actually part of my compensation or income.