Paranoia 101: A Professional Gambler's Guide to Casino Heat


Paranoia 101: A Professional Gambler's Guide to Casino Heat

By 98%
© 2003 Blackjack Forum
(From Blackjack Forum, Vol. XXII #3, Fall 2003)

Friends of mine who are not among the professional gamblers community often tell me that I am needlessly paranoid. Some blackjack players have even told me the same, sometimes going as far as laughing at my refusal to walk into a casino in their presence. Perhaps they are right to make light of my paranoia, but I think they are wrong. In fact, I often wonder if I am paranoid enough about casino heat to make it in this business for long.

When I walk into a casino under the guise of a gambler who is relaxed and comfortable in his environment, I am on high alert, looking for any signs of trouble. Awareness is one of the most valuable weapons in any advantage player's arsenal and it should be honed to a preternatural level by anyone who intends to become serious in his casino exploits. Many of the ideas in this article have been discussed previously in the vast body of blackjack literature, but, in light of seeing many players in action in the casinos failing miserably to remain aware of their surroundings, instead becoming lost in their own worlds, I was inspired to reiterate some of these ideas and, in some cases, delve into them a little more deeply.

The Casino

Many threats await an advantage player in the casinos, the most widely-discussed of which is casino heat. Heat is unavoidable once a player reaches a certain level of play, but its repercussions can be minimized by the aware player. The first sign, especially when playing in a place where you should not be known or where you should be well-liked, is any sign of unfriendly recognition on the part of the security guards right when you walk in the door. Unless you have had interactions in the past with a guard that would warrant her remembering you, you should see no hint of recognition of you on her part. If you do, then that is a good sign that you could be in for some trouble if you elect to pursue your financial gain in this establishment. Recognition by a guard is only one potential threat here, as there is always the chance the eye has already picked you up from the moment you hit the property. If one or more guards begin to follow you or start speaking into their headsets when you walk by, it is time to make for the door, because you are far too hot in this particular establishment to try and make any money. The wise decision is to leave and find a more welcoming house and give it some time before attempting to return.

...continued -


Well-Known Member

Some of this info. has been previously posted here and/or elsewhere, but, for the benefit of newer students/readers, and likely for the bemusement of the Pro's, I shall repost the story of the time...

"I BIT THE BIG-ONE" (sub-title: I TOOK THE BIG ONE UP THE A$$!).....

---Time: circa. 2001.

---Place: LV, North Strip locale.

---B/R: $40k cash (yes, STUPID in retrospect...but I was smart enough to remove the paper clips that grouped said $ into $1k increments....less airport heat.

---Education level: Left HS early to attend College, tested out of most of my Freshman year of College, B.S. Degree in Biochem. at age 20, 2-years of Grad. School, 4-years of Prof. School, then 3-years of "Post-Prof." training. In other words, in some circles, I AIN'T A TOTAL DUMB-A$$! And, by this time, I had gave up Craps as my primary game, became an expert at PROGRESSIVE BJ, then discounted same, because, despite some MASSIVE wins, there always seemed to be just a few more MASSIVE losses. With BS pretty much mastered, I FURTHERED MY EDUC. by reading a "Couple of BJ Books". I WAS READY! My first trip as a CC'er!

---BJ Skill level: Probably LESS than a PLOPPY! Good BS, and in retrospect, rudimentary CC'ing skills, plus LOT's of MISTAKES, and recurrent tendencies to revert to the PROGRESSIVE MODE (over-exosing $$$$ to mega-NEG. Cts., I know now).

---Real-World Skill Level: TOTAL DUMB A$$!


First trip out as a CC'er. Spreading med. green to black, and sometimes, black to med. black. Over a 7-day trip, ALL action at the same store....typically play 18-20 hrs./day, sleep a little, then do it again. While the B/R ultimately took a $17k HIT, only $16,200. went to the Casino for this trip.

The other $850. disappeared in a few minutes like this. A nice young man of about age 30 sits down to my right, watches me play a hand or two, then said:

"I watched you playing over at THAT Table this afternoon (where I had been that afternoon). You may not recall (Hell, I was Sh#t-Faced....lucky that I could even recall being at THAT table), but the guy sitting next to you was my Father. (Again, Hell, I could not recall much of anything past the fact that I had been at said Table that afternoon).'

"He told me that you are an EXPERT BJ Player! (EGO-BONER!).'

"Dad will be down in a few minutes, and would like to play again at the same table with you! (EGO-BONER!) He is carrying our money. Would you loan me a Thousand to start playing until he gets down here, then he will pay you back."

And so, with my neophyte CC'er ego properly groomed:

1. I slide over to him #10 Black, to which he immediately "changes-down" a hundred-or-so for Reds and Greens.

2. He plays for 10-15 minutes, always betting $5-10., and otherwise, PLYING THE WORST BJ THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN! He split, hit, and DD'd NOTHING. His 13 v. 10-up....STAND!

3. At the end of his playing time, he states: "Well, Dad has not came down yet. I will go to the Cashier, and cash a Check, so that I can pay you back."
Sounded good to me, but as he left, I realized that he had left only one Black + change to hold his spot, and had took the rest with him!

4. The DEALER said: "Something is not right here", as Me, She, and the rest of the Table turned 180-degrees to watch the GUY. He did go to the Cashier's Cage....calming me and everyone else down.....but then WENT FOR THE EXIT!

5. I screamed for the PC, Security, etc., but he got away! A few minutes later, several PC's AND Security Folk are at my table, showing me photo's (Yes, likely Griffin)..."Is this the guy?"...."Yes"....."He pulled the same thing at Rio last week, and at Cesars last month".

6. As an aside, these were GOOD Photo's. Some taken at that store THEN, and some taken at other stores days and weeks prior. JUST IN CASE ANYONE IS INTERESTED!

7. Whatever, PC finally came back to let me know that this guy had "got away", and that "I should never give/loan $$$$ to those that I do not know".

8. "NO SH#T!"

learning to count

Well-Known Member

All due respect you were a dunb arse. In my early days as an CCer I was with a friend who was a mere degenerate drunk gambler who was having a 12 hour voodoo streak. He won over 9K on slots and roulette. I stood by and watched the action. I watched his back as well. It is something how money draws a crowd, A bystander started a friendly conversation with my friend and was able to CON him that he could hold his winnings while he played. My buddy was drunk. I quickly stepped in and grabbed the idiot by the neck and shoved him away from the cash and when he attempted to protest. I reinforced my previous act by explaining to the dirt bag that he was about to be crushed and possibly disfigured. The ass ran off. In short where there is money there will be thieves, hookers, and horny women. If your going to spend your moeny spend it on horny women!


Well-Known Member
Isn't a bad loan a civil matter?


You stated that he asked if he could borrow 1,000 dollars. I'm curious if that is considered a bad debt, and if so, wouldn't that be something handled in civil court. Or, is it theft by false pretenses? I'm sure they have something to charge him with something. I was just curious.


One time I'm sitting at the table, and two guys and a girl come up to my left, and the girls starts playing at the spot. I heard them speaking to one another in the Romany language, not to be prejudiced or anything but it would be unwise to totally disregard this fact. Anyway, the girl starts talking to me, and I forgot exactly how the reparte went but she ended up showing me part of her unremarkable breasts. This did nothing for me but set off alarms so I reached down, took my wallet and cash and moved it to my right side. By the next hand, they had all moved to my right side, and I immediately moved my cash back to my left side. They glared at me fearsomely, and moved on to the next table. I mentioned something to the dealer.

They were already jumping on me at the california cardclub at fremondstreet because of the word f**k....... LOL I had to leave with 3 guards looking like illigal aliens themselves. Might as well go deer hunting,

The Stork


Well-Known Member
Define "Unremarkable Breasts"........

A.M., it has been so long since I have seen one (or two) socially, that it may have been worth the ROR! To me, in my current situation, most any Breast that I see outside of work is REMARKABLE!


"Is that a BLACK STACK in your pants, or are you just glad to see me?"

About 50, small

There was really nothing to be said for them, as I recall. People easily make me suspicious, thus I'm a hard guy to rip off. This is a good characteristic to develop when playing in LV or AC or similar venues that attract a lot of grifters of the non-Zen kind.

Hey doesn't being a pervert interfere with being a doctor? "Young lady, you have a minor vaginal obstruction, and I have a special instrument to remove it. Now just hold still and try to relax." One of my friends when I was a teenager is now a famous radio doctor. He was the worst whoremonger who ever lived, almost got himself killed out picking up streetwalkers once in a deadly neighborhood.


Well-Known Member

"One of my friends when I was a teenager is now a famous radio doctor. He was the worst whoremonger who ever lived, almost got himself killed out picking up streetwalkers once in a deadly neighborhood. "

Hey Automatic,
you grew up with Dr. Phil?


Well-Known Member
Not Dr. Phil.....but Dr. FEEL.....

but while we are on the subject of "Professionalism", one my favorite lines, guaranteed to bring a ROAR from the Nurses, thought usually not from the Patient, is to:

A. Insert the v#ginal speculum vertically (as both NATURE & the Manufactuer Intended), and properly lubricated, of course, then turn clockwise 90-degrees.

B. Open said instrument #3-5 clicks (kind of like a gas pump nozzle).


D. Then, every 5 seconds, in a DECRESCENDO Voice: "Make an Echo...make an echo...mak a eko....etc."

Some state that the best laughs come from the BELLY, but I suggest that some of the very best come from the PELVIC!
