Penthouse May Bring Nude Dealers To Las Vegas


Penthouse May Bring Nude Dealers To Las Vegas Casino

Penthouse, the adult magazine may soon become Penthouse, the casino. Chief Executive Officer Marc Bell has indicated that he is interested in buying real estate and bringing a Penthouse themed casino to the Las Vegas Strip.

The casino would be based on the Penthouse brand and that would mean nudity would be involved. To what extent that would happen is yet unknown.

Whether or not the Nevada Gaming Commission would even allow for nudity on the casino floor is an issue all in itself. Bell does not believe it would be a problem, however, since he is pursuing the real estate.

"It's about rethinking the way of how people think of casinos in Las Vegas, coming in with a new paradigm. Everyone tries doing the cookie cutters, doing the same thing over and over again, and we believe it's time to create a new widget," said Bell.

The women in Penthouse magazine could well serve as dealers at the new casino. They would be dressed down, and maybe even be completely nude. The whole hotel casino would be based on the adult themes of the magazine.

"I think it would be great for something like that to happen in Las Vegas. The current casinos are getting stale and it is time for something new, something fresh, that people can grasp on to," said Las Vegas resident Tim Joyer.

November 17, 2008
Posted By Terry Goodwin
Staff Editor,


Well-Known Member
Just wondering (the blackjack player in me)

If the Rio could have a bikini pit where blackjack used to pay all of 1 to 1, would the Penthouse casino declare a natural as an automatic loser?

One thing I am sure of is that the pit will be good for the eye and bad for the wallet.



Well-Known Member

However I can only imagine the clientele they would draw . It would not be for me personally as i always take a lady with me when I go and i have a strange feeling she would not be too enthralled at that idea. One good thing for sure is it would be awful hard to hide chips anywhere or cards for sure .



Well-Known Member
Where every card is considered the dealer's "bust" card, and all games are called "double exposure".
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Slick Vic

Active Member
zengrifter said:
"The current casinos are getting stale and it is time for something new, something fresh, that people can grasp on to," said Las Vegas resident Tim Joyer.
There'd be a LOT I'd want to grasp onto there...