RenoRenagade said:
How do you answer this, you cant be like cause BS tells me to.
Well, don't say "basic strategy" (which implies there's a more advanced strategy

) but other than that, there's no reason to hide basic strategy.
- "I found a blackjack website that has a chart of everything you're supposed to do in every situation." (if prompted, just tell people that it's or to just Google "blackjack", either of which will send them on a wild goose chase)
- "My friend has a PhD in math and he gave me a chart to memorize." (just don't mention your friend is Stanford Wong

- "I bought a card in the gift shop with all the strategies on it." (even better if you're playing a H17 game, because most cards that casinos sell are for S17 shoe games)
- "My father always said, '...'" Make up a stupid rhyme. The less sense it makes the better. Decline to explain it.
RenoRenagade said:
Do you think all dealers know perfect BS ?
Not even close. That's often why card counters get heat for basic strategy. God forbid you should hit your (soft) 18 and pull an A-3, it must be card counting! Unholy powers of darkness! Aaaah!