Perfect BS does it draw attention ?


Well-Known Member
mjbballar23 said:
if your hitting 14 against a 2 or 3, you should have wonged out long before this point. HI LO Index for 14 v. 2 is TC = -4 and 14 v. 3 is TC = -5.
Some people play single and double deck, and might not want to get caught wonging out...


Well-Known Member
Recently, I had someone questioning, in an inquisitive way - not angrily, about my dropping out of shoes in the middle, standing on 15 v T, etc. I got annoying, to say the least.

What I really like is when the count goes up, I bounce back and forth between one and two hands, causing the Asians flee the table, leaving more good cards for me.


Well-Known Member
mjbballar23 said:
if your hitting 14 against a 2 or 3, you should have wonged out long before this point. HI LO Index for 14 v. 2 is TC = -4 and 14 v. 3 is TC = -5.
I tend to play DD. Wonging out is not really an option.


Well-Known Member
Doofus said:
I tend to play DD. Wonging out is not really an option.

Sure it is. Just complain about someone messing up the Sacred Flow and how you are going to sit out the rest of the shoe. Wonging IN is the hard part.I'd say I play DD 80% of my play,and another 10% at SD.Between that,bathroom breaks and smoke breaks,I stop playing perhaps 25% of all shuffles before the final round.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Sure it is. Just complain about someone messing up the Sacred Flow and how you are going to sit out the rest of the shoe. Wonging IN is the hard part.I'd say I play DD 80% of my play,and another 10% at SD.Between that,bathroom breaks and smoke breaks,I stop playing perhaps 25% of all shuffles before the final round.
I agree with your analysis. However, some of my most enjoyable and successful hands have been when I have worked my way through a highly negative count. I had a 12 against a dealer 6 recently, and I hit. Ace - 13. Hit again, deuce 15. Hit again, ace 16. Hit one last time, deuce 18. And I'll be damned if the dealer didn't pull a 6 card 21. Heh heh heh. Fortunately for me I had a minimum bet out, and did this all just for fun. When I have a small bet out and a big negative count, I tend to pull crazy stunts like splitting 6s against a 10.


Well-Known Member
RenoRenagade said:
How do you answer this, you cant be like cause BS tells me to.
Well, don't say "basic strategy" (which implies there's a more advanced strategy ;) ) but other than that, there's no reason to hide basic strategy.

- "I found a blackjack website that has a chart of everything you're supposed to do in every situation." (if prompted, just tell people that it's or to just Google "blackjack", either of which will send them on a wild goose chase)

- "My friend has a PhD in math and he gave me a chart to memorize." (just don't mention your friend is Stanford Wong :p )

- "I bought a card in the gift shop with all the strategies on it." (even better if you're playing a H17 game, because most cards that casinos sell are for S17 shoe games)

- "My father always said, '...'" Make up a stupid rhyme. The less sense it makes the better. Decline to explain it.

RenoRenagade said:
Do you think all dealers know perfect BS ?
Not even close. That's often why card counters get heat for basic strategy. God forbid you should hit your (soft) 18 and pull an A-3, it must be card counting! Unholy powers of darkness! Aaaah!


Well-Known Member
<< Do you think all dealers know perfect BS ? and can spot someone making all the right moves? >>


A few dealers know mostly-correct BS. A handful know perfect BS and can count a bit.

If a dealer's being a pest, maybe complain to the pit boss about the dealer being rude, constantly telling you or implying that you play bad. That ought to shut'em up. The last thing the casino wants to do is drive off bad players. Or just make it clear that smart-aleck dealers get no tips.

If another player complains that you're messing up the flow of the cards, answer, "Yes, I know. It's because I hate you. I'm going to make you lose." You probably wanted the table to yourself anyway.

It helps to have a thick skin in this game.


Well-Known Member
The book

You can always ask before or after making your play, "isn't that what the basic stragtegy book says you should do?" You can even call over the PB and ask, typically after your play "what does the book say you should do?" That gives you opportunities to say " Aw, s*&T that's one I always mess up" and discuss other, related, plays around that sequence. My impression is that it usually makes you seem earnest, basically competent, and just a little clueless.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
callipygian said:
Well, don't say "basic strategy" (which implies there's a more advanced strategy ;) ) but other than that, there's no reason to hide basic strategy.
Try the term Fortune's Formula That should confound anyone under 50.


Well-Known Member
Try playing BS in SP21 and see if it gets attention lol.

Only grief from someone about every other hand lol.

I do think PB's might at least take a little notice of someone who hits A,7 vs 9,10,A. Or even 12 vs 2&3 as one factor in identifying a possible counter.

Hence the possibility of intentionally misplaying some plays to throw them off a little bit.

Just edited to add that one time playing BJ this guy, sitting 5 people away from me, was religiously adhering to BS looking each play up on his card. I could tell just by the color patterns on it that it was for a different game. He actually put the card away and let me tell him the right play after that. As opposed to another guy at SP21 who professed believing in BS but wouldn't believe me when I finally cracked and felt sorry for the guy and told him how bad he was playing and that I could help him with the BS. So I'd tell him and then he'd say "I believe you" and just do what he wanted anyway lol


Active Member
Kasi said:
Try playing BS in SP21 and see if it gets attention lol.
Hitting a multicard 17 vs A draws attention. Especialy when you get a 4. That is if the dealer hasn't already flew right by you.


Well-Known Member
Diver said:
You can always ask before or after making your play, "isn't that what the basic stragtegy book says you should do?"
If I'm counting cards I tend to disfavor this. It (a) slows down the game, (b) puts your face on the radar, and (c) makes your eventual bet spreads suspicious.

Another problem with asking is that a lot of dealers (and pit bosses) don't know proper basic strategy, especially on soft doubles. If you ask them what the proper play is, and then go the opposite way, that's weird as well, unless you've gone through the trouble of setting up a drunk/gregarious persona.

If you really want to use "I don't know BS" as a cover play, it's better to buy a card from the gift shop, but pretend like you're not supposed to have it at the table. Hide it under your hand, and keep peeking at it surreptitiously on borderline hands.


Well-Known Member
miplet said:
Hitting a multicard 17 vs A draws attention. Especialy when you get a 4. That is if the dealer hasn't already flew right by you.
Tell me about it - one guy loudly called over the PB when I did that and told them I should be thrown out and that I shouldn't be allowed to play that way.

Didn't even seem to matter to him that the next card was a 4 :grin:

But that was extreme - usually I just get called alot of bad names mixed in with occasional veiled threats lol. It's OK though they always run out of money quickly and leave the table long before I do. Usually muttering about their unbelievable bad luck. And sometimes about my unbelievable good luck lol.

I always tell them when I sit down to wait for a hand signal because sometimes I do crazy things when The Sacred Flow is with me.

After playing SP21 dealing with player gripes at BJ is a piece of cake lol.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
??? lots of people know perfect BS.
Lots of people claim they know perfect BS. Big difference.
I have yet to encounter a non counter that played perfect BS.
I have been lucky enough to encounter noncounters with 100% BS for 6d, s17, das, surrender and no surrender games. I've seen them at high limit and low limit tables; but, it is hard to find a perfect BS player.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
Around here I have noticed a lot of the dealers know basic strategy and aren't shy about helping players. They even call it "basic strategy." I like it when they defend my making the right play, even if i did lose, "he did what he was supposed to."

Getting complaints from ploppies over my hitting 12 against a 2 gets old real fast.


Well-Known Member
It can help if you rub your chin and look a bit cofused while you're "trying to make up your mind" as to how to play the cards you've been dealt.