Tunica has $1-5 spread limit stud games sporadically. Quarter ante, I believe.sevencard2003 said:does that poker room ever get $1-5 stud going instead of just NL? holdems all i see almost everywhere i go. do they have any video BJ machines that pay 3-2? cheap hotel rates?
Have you been there lately? My experience was very different.vingtetun said:They do have a pretty good poker room though.:grin:
PRR has a nice Water Park.. and Golf, I'm told. I've only been to the casino, so I have no first hand info regarding that. The hotel at PRR is nice.. food OK. some playable games. The Golden Moon is only open on weekends. I don't care for the Silver Star that much... Now.. Cedar Point. Isn't that in Biloxi?jamini said:What is a good resort to stay at while going to Cedar Point? We will be going on our honeymoon to Cedar Point Theme Park next July. We are looking for a nice resort like the Kalahari possibly to stay at... any suggestions?
Both shoe dealt and pitch are 10$ minimums,sometimes 5$ on shoe depending on crowd. No 21+3. Pitch games usually only 50% pen,but some dealers will go deeper than others.Most times no heat at all if not complete idiot.Silverstar side sucks,like being in slums,golden moon side lot nicer, lot cleaner.Only opens on fridayevening and closes on sunday at 8 pm,goldenmoon side only.DBR2 said:During weekends, what are the table mins for Blackjack; shoe delt and pitch?
Also, do they offer 21+3? Thanks.