Playing BJ AND Counting


New Member
Hello :)
I am new to the forum- and just started counting cards couple weeks ago. I have played bj for about a year and have learned basic strategy during my plays and charts. I figured- as much as I go to the casinos & play bj, I should atleast work at trying to get a bit more of an advantage vs. the casino...

Now that I have started practicing to count, I can count down a deck in less than 30 secs, but when it comes to playing blackjack AND counting, I take a really long time. Any suggestions for this? I have flashcards for BS, and count down multiple decks for practice.

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
If you like spending money look into buying CVBJ at, it's great for practicing your counting, and you can set the rules for your specific casino. You should also spend time in a casino just backcounting, make sure you can bet and interact with other people all while counting and look like you aren't counting.

Have you seen the movie 21? You know the scene when they're in the Chinatown casino -- that kind of thing is called a checkout. Make sure you "checkout" before going to a casino to bet. Turn on the tv, have a fan blowing in your face or something, just have lots of distractions and then practice counting down while like keeping a conversation with a friend on the phone. Once you can do that you'll have no problem in a casino.

It's just like the boy scouts: be prepared.

Itake :cool:


New Member
IMO, this is what I did. I read my book on BJ in the bathroom, any time I had a break I played BJ and CONSTANTLY worked on basic. Once I had basic down in the casino I worked on counting. I counted and acted lethargic on purpose took my time anything to A feel comfy and B make as an accurate decision while in play. After that give it some time, it will become 2nd nature.

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
If you're counting down a deck in less than 30, stop worrying about that and just deal games to yourself. Start heads-up, then start playing multiple spots after you feel comfortable keeping the count and making playing decisions. Once this becomes easy, do it with music up loud. Then add a TV. Then have a friend talk to you. You can use your imagination here, but the point is to be as distracted as possible while still keeping the count and making accurate playing decisions (with index plays). Good luck!


Active Member
to tell the truth, i can't even count down a deck in less than 30 seconds. but it's a lot slower than that when you're actually playing.

What i do, is sit at third base and count after each player gets their pair of cards

while they're dealing, i usually just chat it up and look away from the cards until the 2nd group of cards come out i quickly glance down to count.

sitting at third gives you time to get the count at beginning of the rd, and know what to do with your hand. you should be able to count the first pairs of cards, before dealer gives any hits.

only problem is ploppies get pissed if you use indices and make some "stupid plays" and taking the dealers bust card


Well-Known Member
Ploppies get mad if you take the bust card when you're playing BS, too.

After all, there must be someone to blame for why they just lost their kid's college fund :laugh:


New Member
Thanks for all of your suggestions :D

I practice counting down a deck, or two decks while timing myself, and of course with loud music, or with the tv on, sometimes while being on the phone...

Counting down a deck of cards in a short amount of time is easy when all you're doing is just focusing on the numbers & keeping the running count. I just find it difficult when I have to stop, continue the RC, try to calculate the TC, then think about what I have to do with my dealt hands, and see if its what should be done with the TC. It's just a lot of thinking and multi tasking- but I guess it will come with time and practice.

This weekend- I was in AC, and I was able to count through maybe 2-4 decks in the shoe until I lost count, but I found myself lagging and taking a really long time to think about basic strategy moves that I would usually know right away. Everytime the count got high and I would up my bets a little bit, and do the right BS, and then lose the hand. i guess that always sucks. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Hey ML you're right where I was a month ago. Just keep putting in more casino time and it'll get easier to keep the count thru the whole shoe and make your plays without loosing the count. I am by no means a pro but after puuting in some hours it gets much easier. just don't be a dumb ass like me....

there was a guy at the table asking me a question while i was trying to keep the count of the table. he asked me a few times as the people where making their plays and i keep ignoring him so he makes some kind of comment about me dissing him. after the round i answer his question and was like sorry man i wasn't trying to ignore you i was just concentrating and counting up my cards! what i was meaning to say was i was adding up my cards but it came out as counting up my cards haha.

luckily the dealer seemed to like me cause i was tipping him some and talking to him so when i said that he just looked at me and smiled......and NO it was not a sexual smile :laugh:


New Member

It was one of those "i know what you're doing" kinda smiles..:)

Yeah, I'll continue counting and know that it will get easier but I was disappointed that I continued to lose money (even when the count was high- everyone would get the tens and I would get a two..haha) and NOT having fun, and being a bit anti-social vs. when I gambled.. Usually I'll play BS and put in half of my winnings, and continue and if i lose, I will go back to minimum bets. It usually works out for me. I guess i sit at the right tables with the good shoes when im gambling...

When I was counting and doing things strategically day 1 i was down a bunch, but the next day, I just gambled without counting and was up dramatically.

Funny how things work but in the long run, the house always wins & gotta work on getting a better advantage...


Well-Known Member
yeah there's nothing better than having a max bet out, doubling down on an 11 and drawing an ACE....

i seem to be good at that :laugh: