playing dealer that you find attractive

playing with na dealer you find attractive?

  • out of your way to play with them

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • out of your way to avoid them

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • no effect on decision

    Votes: 21 72.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
You are walking through the casino and spot a dealer that you find attractive. Maybe a blond with big chest and nice smile (or whatever), but they are just your type. Would you go out of your way to play at that table? Or go out of your way to not play at that table to avoid the extra distraction. Would have no effect on your decision to play at that table. I ask this in the card counting section because I am specifically curious of the response from player's who's primary objective is to make some money, not those just out to have some fun and free drinks.


Well-Known Member
How attractive can a dealer get? With the exception of the playboy casino, most only get to about decent level. certainly not enough for me to go hog wild and lose all reasoning to go play with her. on another note, if a dealer is unattractive and I flirt with her a bit, she tends to cut deeper into the deck.

Lesson learned: treat all women like they're goddesses. In life and in blackjack.;)


Well-Known Member
When I was single nothing good ever came out of dating a dealer. You can't tell them what you do, usually they didn't even know my real name, and if you run into someone you know that calls you by another name...

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
I remember the interview with RC on Snyder's site where he talks about dating a few dealers, some of which were fired once their association with him was discovered. I wouldn't want to get involved in that. If I find an attractive dealer, I'll play her table just to keep the game interesting (if she's offering good conditions, of course), but I'd never let it get past the tables.


Well-Known Member
One of the oldest chestnuts is the universal axiom:

"Never mix business with pleasure"

When I am at a BJ table, I am all business.
Big BooBs are sometimes used to sell bad games

I was walking through the pleasure pit at Planet Hollywood this summer and I could swear that the girls with the biggest knockers were eiether on CSM's or 6/5 games.


Well-Known Member
Just a coincidence

Adm. Buckles said:
I was walking through the pleasure pit at Planet Hollywood this summer and I could swear that the girls with the biggest knockers were eiether on CSM's or 6/5 games.
Just like the Rio had their 55 year old overweight male dealers dealing in the Bikini pit when they had it. Equal opportunity etc
Lonesome Gambler said:
I remember the interview with RC on Snyder's site where he talks about dating a few dealers, some of which were fired once their association with him was discovered. I wouldn't want to get involved in that. If I find an attractive dealer, I'll play her table just to keep the game interesting (if she's offering good conditions, of course), but I'd never let it get past the tables.
Similar. I'll use her attractiveness as cover for my AP. I'll do the same with attractive players at the table too, make it look like I am there for some reason other than to make money.

You younger guys, if you backcount in small groups, using your table-lurking to talk up/check out girls is ideal cover.


In 2007, Caesar's Palace Las Vegas had a blackjack pit outside their Pure night club that was dealt by the Pussycat dolls and had a Pussycat dolls theme. So their were 2 dancers in cages dancing in bikinis with feathery boas, and when all the all female dealers arrived at a table they placed a card with their name on the table (because it would be difficult for them to pin one on their top :)

I was there 8 hours straight, till 3am!!! It was packed with perverted guys trying for a miracle to pick them up. But security guards came to take the pussycat dolls for breaks.

Same questions over and over again, and she totally played them in for about $500 in tips every time she went for break. ex:
- how old are you?
- do you have a boyfriend?
- how can the pussycat dolls discriminate against old and ugly?
- what are you going to do when you get old?

(Dead link:
(yes, they dressed like that while dealing)

I left up a few hundred, but tipped a few hundred. But in 50 years I'll still remember this.


Well-Known Member
kewljason said:
You are walking through the casino and spot a dealer that you find attractive. Maybe a blond with big chest and nice smile (or whatever), but they are just your type. Would you go out of your way to play at that table? Or go out of your way to not play at that table to avoid the extra distraction. Would have no effect on your decision to play at that table. I ask this in the card counting section because I am specifically curious of the response from player's who's primary objective is to make some money, not those just out to have some fun and free drinks.

I'm desperately thinking of ****ing one.... Or even a hot pit boss....


Well-Known Member
Lankester said:
In 2007, Caesar's Palace Las Vegas had a blackjack pit outside their Pure night club that was dealt by the Pussycat dolls and had a Pussycat dolls theme. So their were 2 dancers in cages dancing in bikinis with feathery boas, and when all the all female dealers arrived at a table they placed a card with their name on the table (because it would be difficult for them to pin one on their top :)

I was there 8 hours straight, till 3am!!! It was packed with perverted guys trying for a miracle to pick them up. But security guards came to take the pussycat dolls for breaks.

Same questions over and over again, and she totally played them in for about $500 in tips every time she went for break. ex:
- how old are you?
- do you have a boyfriend?
- how can the pussycat dolls discriminate against old and ugly?
- what are you going to do when you get old?

(Dead link:
(yes, they dressed like that while dealing)

I left up a few hundred, but tipped a few hundred. But in 50 years I'll still remember this.
I bet the playing conditions sucked and you probably just got a lucky win. I could never imagine vegas having a place that offered sex appeal and decent blackjack games. I think it was planet hollywood's pleasure pit where I saw 7:6 games for the first time.


Well-Known Member
#1 rule of AP

This is a good post and poll in general one that may fool alot of up and coming aps. This is a prime example of rules to live by also. I would never let any outside factor cloud my decisions when playing. I don't care if she was naked as a jay bird and dealing if the game was garbage. I personally find the pits like that a distraction and I don't need more distrations in my game.


Well-Known Member
I knew when I posted this poll that "no effect on decision" would be the overwhelming winner. And I know that people who play seriously, would seperate the two. My personal attitude on the situation is that I wouldn't avoid a game, nor seek one out because of this situation, but if I had the choice of two identical games, I would avoid the "attractive" dealer. As much I try to take the emotion out of the game and be a machine, I know that I am not a machine. I am a human being. And as such have flaws. So, I agree with BlackChipJim, given the chance to avoid a distraction of any sort I would.

kewljason said:
You are walking through the casino and spot a dealer that you find attractive. Maybe a blond with big chest and nice smile (or whatever), but they are just your type. Would you go out of your way to play at that table? Or go out of your way to not play at that table to avoid the extra distraction. Would have no effect on your decision to play at that table. I ask this in the card counting section because I am specifically curious of the response from player's who's primary objective is to make some money, not those just out to have some fun and free drinks.
I did do the poll, even though I DO like to have fun and get free coffee, hot chocolate, and soda,,,sorry. BTW, even though I like those things I have a Blood Thirst when it comes to winning.:)

I look for several things about a dealer, and looks are not one of them. Where I usually play if the female dealer still has most of her teeth, does not smoke a corn cobb pipe, and does not dress in flannel all the time....she is pretty...pretty....HOT!!;)

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Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
Where I usually play if the female dealer still has most of her teeth, does not smoke a corn cobb pipe, and does not dress in flannel all the time....she is pretty...pretty....HOT!!;)

And the only music playing is Dueling Banjos... :laugh: