here's what you do when someone questions your move
When they berate me for hitting 12 vs 3, I tell them ok I'll bet you $50 that out of 10 hands we see where the dealer has 3 and someone has 12, 6/10 times or more they will not have busted. IF they argue well the reason why you don't take the card is because the dealer is likely to bust, then bet them that the dealer won't bust 6/10 times or more. If they don't take the bet, then tell them to be quiet or else put their money where their mouth is. Usually they shut up in a hurry.
True story....
One time, this absolute ploppy gets mad at me because I hit 12 vs 3, and as it turns out the dealer would have busted if I hadn't done that. After other ploppies joined in to the point where I felt I was getting a beat down, I tell the most vocal ploppy who was berating me from the start, that's what the book says to do. He says, bs the book says that. So I calmly pull out a basic strategy guide that I've had in my wallet forever and show him. His next response just left me wondering how dumb can people really get. He sees what the guide says, and says outloud, "Well you think the casinos make that so you''ll win? They make those things so you'll lose more." To which I replied, "And do you mind telling me what on earth possessed you to think the casino made this?" He replied," Well that's who sells them." At this point, I realized reasoning with this individual was pointless, so I might as well take advantage of his sheer stupidity. I said to him, "Tell you what. I'll make a bet with you that I'll last longer at this table than you will." He hesitates a little and I say, "Otherwise you can not criticize my play." This gets him mad as he soon realizes that he was done in by his own faulty logic. So he curses and leaves the table. After that a funny thing started happening. I went on a great winning streak and suddenly the whole table had digusted looks on their faces as they realized that clearly I knew what I was doing. Nobody for the rest of the time I was at the table, said one word to me even when I hit my 12 v a dealer 6 and so on and so forth.
To play this game correctly, you have to have thick skin sometimes.