Playing Rated


Well-Known Member
JJP said:
I guess its just until one is at a level where they could well get backed off, they don't know if they will get to that level. I very well might do that, but I don't have a crystal ball.
Here is a problem you might not have thought of. The lower level of play that you are currently playing rated at "within an apparently acceptable tolerance level" and hopefully building to reach the next level up is all being documented. So if and when you reach the next level up there is a very STRONG possibility you will have to find a new casino to start that next level, as they already know you are a good player, whose time was already borderline limited. You may think that reaching the next level up is a new starting point in your playing career, and in fact, it is from an individual point of view, but from a casino point of view it is very far from it. You already gave them the information they needed.
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I play rated and it does not bother me. I feel that if I am rated, I don’t have anything to hide. Todays blackjack are much difficult than the early days. If you can win, then good for you. You’re one of the few. Enjoy the game, take a few wins and at times know when to quit on bad runs. Play black green or red. Does not matter as long as you bring home some bacon as a winner. Lol. Enjoy the game.


Well-Known Member
Vegas comps are one thing. But IMO, I get very little back (elsewhere) from when I've played rated. If my wife comes along and plays slots while I play blackjack, guess who gets offers in the mail? It's not me. Really not worth it.
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