playing shoe to cut card, how do you divide for true count?


Playing casinos with 8 decks, but the cut card is 2 decks from the end of the shoe.

To convert running count to true count then, do I divide by 8 (the total number of decks) or by 6 (the number of decks in play)?

If by 6, is that assuming an even distribution of cards in the last, unplayed 2 decks?



Well-Known Member

I use an unbalanced count and play 6 decks at most so never have that problem. still, for calculating true count you would divide your rc by the number of decks remaining in the shoe,(or half decks, depending on your methods) regardless of where the cut card might be. the fact that the cut card is placed 2 decks from the end as compared to maybe 1.25 decks has no bearing since either way you never know exactly whats behind the cut card. so you have to account for all 8 decks since in affect all 8 decks are in play even though only 6/8 will be dealt.
