Pocketing Chips


Well-Known Member
big Inner said:
6 deck 17s LS sound good?
by 17s do you mean S17? Also, is there DAS? If so, the rules sound good but the one thing that can really make or break it is the penetration. If your getting more than a 1.5 decks cutoff i wouldn't play really no matter the rules. Aim for 1 or less if possible.

But for example, If 1.5 deck or less cutoff, S17, LS, DAS and you wong out then a 1-10 spread will beat it in the long run (using KO preferred correct?) assuming your counting is on point. If your able to get down a larger spread i still would try.


Well-Known Member
A lot of this depends on the denomination and the quantity of chips you pocket.

They get pissed off if you start pocketing a bunch of small or medium valued chips. They especially hate it if they have to order a fill which wouldn't be necessary if you had colored up. I expect in most cases, the extra work you've caused them by having to order a fill brings on more heat than the idea that you might be ratholing to show a smaller win or bigger loss.

If you color up and pocket higher denomination chips, you're not forcing a fill and you don't have the appearance of trying to hide anything. This probably won't bring any heat unless you're winning big and pocketing a large quantity of the highest denomination chips in the tray.


paddywhack said:
Rat holing black isn't real easy in most stores unless there's a MAJOR player giving them a lot of black action on the table.

Rat holing Purple - not gonna happen. They know you have it, whether you think you're hiding it from them or not.

Think GREEN. Get 2x ev off the table per hour in GREEN if you can swing it whether winning or losing. Does wonders for your win/loss statement.
Thanks for the advise paddywhack and zoomie. I am a red/green chipper currently learning a stronger counting system. One of my big problems when Im ready to use the more powerful system is no local casinos.

I live in Maryland and have to travel a couple hours to the nearest store with an attractive game. Longevity is a must. Until we get table games in Maryland I need to stay under the radar. With your suggestions I should be able to play and win without raising suspicions for a much longer time.

I have a 2 pocket belly pack which I leave unzipped enough to put chips in either pocket. If I think they are onto my ratholing I color up all the chips in one pocket. They will almost all be red.

As a side comment when a really big player leaves the table(not in high limit area) the pit often counts the dealers chips. I asssume this is an effort to determine what his success was.


Well-Known Member
I'm a proponent of ratholing, however, if your casino uses RFID chips its probably a wasted effort to rathole. They know how much you won or lost electronically.


Well-Known Member
I've never seen a place with RFID chips, but then again I've only played in small casinos.


Well-Known Member
The only way you will know they use RFID is its the tables where the dealer slaps a small button before each hand is dealt.


Well-Known Member
Another clue is when the cashier puts the chips on a small pad and a display shows how much is there (as is done at Aria with black and above).


Well-Known Member
big Inner said:
6 deck 17s LS sound good?

Assuming 17s means stand 17, and other rules are typical, e.g., DAS, double anytime, and pen is decent, most APs would step on their mothers back in a rush to play this game.
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Well-Known Member
ohbehave said:
The only way you will know they use RFID is its the tables where the dealer slaps a small button before each hand is dealt.

Pop one in the microwave. If it explodes, it's got an RFID chip. If not, it doesn't.


Well-Known Member
Definitely get as much green off the table as you can!

As people said before it will help you show a loss to the casino, but it also helps when it comes to people "seeing a guy with a huge stack" following you out into the parking lot.