Potawatomi Milwaukee Casino Question


Well-Known Member
Does Anyone know the Blackjack Information for the Potawatomi Milwaukee Casino, Such as Amount of Tables, Min/Max Bet, House Edge, Cut, Rules Etc...???

Also i Know its off topic but does anyone know if they have carbbiean stud there? I didnt see it on the website.

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Well-Known Member
I was there for a couple hours on the 26th of July. I would guess 15-20 tables and a couple of them are 5, that is what I played. I think they allow das, double on any two, no surrender, dealer hits soft 17.


Well-Known Member
House edge

Poor 6 deck game is all they have. House edge .64% and penetration is reported as poor.



Well-Known Member
Penetration went way down after I won a few big hands. Pretty crowded on the Thursday night I was there.


Well-Known Member
real easy to wong in on hands, huge crowd and i've stood around wonging for long periods of time without problems or heat of any sort.

Any potential investors looking for an extremely competent counter drop me a line.