Preparing for Vegas...

The Suburbs

Active Member
I'll be heading to Vegas in a couple weeks (for 6 nights) with some buddies and wanted input from other players with more experience playing blackjack in Sin City. This will be the first time going to Vegas while being confident in my game.

Some background: Have logged around 400-500 hours of BJ the past year on the east coast. As far as APing, I'm strictly a CC (Hi-Lo + I18 + F4). The games I've played are strictly 6-8 deck shoe games, and it's what I'm most comfortable with currently. I've done quite well and have a big enough BR to support chunky green action (25-500 generally). Here are my questions:

1. I'll be splitting up my stay between two of the major chains in comped rooms. I know from previous posts that it's generally a bad idea to play (rated at least) at the store you're staying, but what about playing rated at other sister properties on the strip? Let's say I'm staying at the Lion and get backed-off/86ed while playing rated at the Illusion, will that affect my comped room at the Lion? Is it just not worth it to play rated? I don't care so much about getting backed-off/86ed itself (since I only go at most once a year), but if it jeopardizes my comped room, I'd have to think twice about playing rated. That being said, any meal comps I can get for myself and my buddies would be +EV.

2. Although I'm most comfortable with shoe games, I'm willing to learn DD. Is it worth it to play the DD games only using a level 1 count? Am I better off sticking to the good shoe games?

3. I bought the latest CBJN newsletter and would like clarification about the mid-shoe entry betting limit imposed at some of the casinos. If, say, a store has a $300 limit on coming in mid-shoe, does that mean if I wong-in at any point that I'm never allowed to bet more than $300 for the rest of that shoe? If I start at $200, I can't raise my bet to $400 in that same shoe? Also, if I wong out of a shoe that I started, I can't come back in and bet > $300 on a hand? I've never come across this rule on the east coast.

4. What's the best way to structure my play over the 6 days? Cycle different chains and stores at different shifts over the course of the 6 days?

5. Is downtown worth going to if I'm only going to play shoe games?

6. For those with experience flying with large amounts of cash: Is there any reason to worried about carrying ~$20k on a domestic flight? Is going to Vegas a good enough excuse for the TSA if, by chance, it's discovered? I'll be using a money belt, but would like to be prepared should the situation arise.

Thanks in advance.
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Active Member
The Suburbs said:
I'll be heading to Vegas in a couple weeks (for 6 nights) with some buddies and wanted input from other players with more experience playing blackjack in Sin City. This will be the first time going to Vegas while being confident in my game.

Some background: Have logged around 400-500 hours of BJ the past year on the east coast. As far as APing, I'm strictly a CC (Hi-Lo + I18 + F4). The games I've played are strictly 6-8 deck shoe games, and it's what I'm most comfortable with currently. I've done quite well and have a big enough BR to support chunky green action (25-500 generally). Here are my questions:

1. I'll be splitting up my stay between two of the major chains in comped rooms. I know from previous posts that it's generally a bad idea to play (rated at least) at the store you're staying, but what about playing rated at other sister properties on the strip? Let's say I'm staying at the Lion and get backed-off/86ed while playing rated at the Illusion, will that affect my comped room at the Lion? Is it just not worth it to play rated? I don't care so much about getting backed-off/86ed itself (since I only go at most once a year), but if it jeopardizes my comped room, I'd have to think twice about playing rated. That being said, any meal comps I can get for myself and my buddies would be +EV.

2. Although I'm most comfortable with shoe games, I'm willing to learn DD. Is it worth it to play the DD games only using a level 1 count? Am I better off sticking to the good shoe games?

3. I bought the latest CBJN newsletter and would like clarification about the mid-shoe entry betting limit imposed at some of the casinos. If, say, a store has a $300 limit on coming in mid-shoe, does that mean if I wong-in at any point that I'm never allowed to bet more than $300 for the rest of that shoe? If I start at $200, I can't raise my bet to $400 in that same shoe? Also, if I wong out of a shoe that I started, I can't come back in and bet > $300 on a hand? I've never come across this rule on the east coast.

4. What's the best way to structure my play over the 6 days? Cycle different chains and stores at different shifts over the course of the 6 days?

5. Is downtown worth going to if I'm only going to play shoe games?

6. For those with experience flying with large amounts of cash: Is there any reason to worried about carrying ~$20k on a domestic flight? Is going to Vegas a good enough excuse for the TSA if, by chance, it's discovered? I'll be using a money belt, but would like to be prepared should the situation arise.

Thanks in advance.
1. Regarding heat: the higher-end casinos will not care too much about a 25-300 or 400 play, as long as you don't abuse your privileges. Yes, you can lose comps if you get backed off at a sister property. I would still play rated, but I have less experience on this compared to others.

2. Play DD. If you're there for only a week and don't plan on coming back for a while, hit it hard.

3. You come in mid-shoe, you can never bet more than the mid-shoe max.

4. Yes

5. Use your judgment. CBJN tells a lot. In addition, downtown does not see as much green chip action, so you may be flagged by surveillance especially if you are playing unrated. Up to you how long you want your sessions to be.

6. Can't help you on that one...


Active Member
Agree with Youk. Some other thoughts:

4.) I would do a big loop each time you play, leaving after max bets are placed. With only 6 days in town, I wouldn't worry about shifts. If you get a dirty look from a PB or other heat, maybe avoid that shift is all Id do.

6.) With the full body scan, you can't have a money belt (or anything) on you. Since you don't know if you will be scanned, stop at restroom before security. Moneybelt goes in carry on maybe wrapped in clothes or in an interior pocket. Stop in restroom after security and put belt back on. The most important thing you can do is make sure you have your liquids, laptop, etc. in separate bins. The toothpaste snatching athority(TSA) is really good at finding those things, and will let anything else pass. I have heard they can't really see how much money you have that well.


Well-Known Member
Good advise by Youk. One thing he said kind of subtly, that I want to expand on just in case you missed it. You mentioned spreading $25-$500. Youk responed spreading $25 to $300 or $400 is acceptable. What he is trying to say is $500 is a magic number you want to stay below.

Yes, hit the DD games as well as 6 deck. DD are counter traps and you might get backed off some, but if you are an occasional visitor, who cares.

Downtown, doesn't offer much at this level for counters. If you have never been and want to just for the sake of experiencing downtown, then go and play a couple places like EC and get backed off. If you have already experienced it, then don't waste your valuable time.

I don't travel as much as I used to. used to be 3-4 times a year, now more like 1, and things are changing rapidly. I really don't know about a money belt. isn't that going to show up with the new scanners?? and if it does, they are going to want you to remove it, which defeats the whole purpose. :confused:

I have always and still opt for letting the bank "move" my money. If you have an account at Bank of america or citi, or waccovia or any nation or regional bank, just withdraw when you get here. banks here is Nevada are very used to $10K - $20K transactions. I suppose if you are dealing with $50 grand or more you will have to make arrangements with the bank. yes. CTR, but no reason to be frightened of them, whether a pro, semi-pro, or recreational player. easily explained, especially involving a trip to Vegas. A few minutes time consumption at the bank beats dealing with the TSA and other risks of traveling with cash now-a-days, IMO. If you are arriving at a time that the bank might not be open, then carry part of this amount. Still somewhat safer.


Well-Known Member
The Suburbs said:
6. For those with experience flying with large amounts of cash: Is there any reason to worried about carrying ~$20k on a domestic flight? Is going to Vegas a good enough excuse for the TSA if, by chance, it's discovered? I'll be using a money belt, but would like to be prepared should the situation arise.
If you are in close proximity to a major bank (There is a Bank of America near me), deposit the money at the bank, and withdraw in Las Vegas. If you will arrive at a time the bank is closed, only carry enough with you to sustain you until they are open.


Well-Known Member
The last 4 times I flew I had exactly $20k on me for blackjack. These were flights to Vegas from the east coast. All 4 times, I got in a line for the old metal detecting machines rather than the scanner line. I had my wallet in one pants pocket and the cash in the other. Not once was I asked to remove them. I did the same thing passing through McCarran for the return flights home.
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Well-Known Member
paymypush said:
The last 4 times I flew I had exactly $20k on me for blackjack. These were flights to Vegas from the east coast. All 4 times, I got in a line for the old metal detecting machines rather than the scanner line. I had my wallet in one pants pocket and the cash in the other. Not once was I asked to remove them. I did the same thing passing through McCarran for the return flights home.
many airports have both and randomly select passengers for the scanner. even having gone through the scanner and having to remove all objects, including a wallet full of cash, i have never even got a second look as long as i pass the scanner requirements.

The Suburbs

Active Member
Thanks for the replies all. I think I'll probably take a little less cash with me, although I don't foresee it being a problem anyways as long as I take precaution. I guess I'll also be toning my spread down for shoe games a little, at least until towards the end of the trip.

I guess the playing rated thing is still a maybe.

Question about DD: I've been going over the latest CBJN and the DD games available. What is a general consensus for "good pen" for DD? Most of the places offer between .7-1 deck cut-off, with some as good as .5. Is anything under .75 decks cut-off considered good for DD? Also, is there a reasonable spread for DD that is less likely to get me kicked out immediately? Should I just go balls-to-the-wall on an advantageous shoe and leave right afterwards? I know this will probably vary from store to store, but I'd like a sense either way.