I did back off on all the games. I kinda resent it when the guy gives me lines that are all different than the Vegas lines. I think I misspoke, too, The Jets game he lowered the line, knowing that I wanted to bet on the Jets. I'm certainly not a compulsive bettor, which is what he seems to be playing me for, so I did not bet on any games. Hey! Money in the bank is a good thing, too! He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day! (the compulsive bettors are fond of saying, you can't win a boat race if you don't have an oar in the water, or nothing ventured nothing gained). I still prefer a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Thanks for the tips. I bet you win'em all. :grin:glovesetc said:hope you got my message buddy - they were whacky and the lines did change dramatically to say the least . When they do that I back off cause there is something i am not privvy to buddy and i hope you did as well at those lines .:grin:
:laugh: :cool2:
I hope not. I think you caught everyone asleep. It's 1:10 am where I am. Damn, I thought they had cures for ulcers. Guess not. My dad had them bad back in the 60's. It would be unbearable without pain pills. Take you time and make a full recovery. I doubt if you'll be down for long, judging from your personality on the forum.glovesetc said:had an enflamed or abcessed ulcer on my stomach wall and they took it out with surgery so i was not around last week and the pain pills knocked me for a loop so i did not even do my due diligence on posting and there was nothing I liked either . Ty for the kind words buddy . seems like nobody else missed the picks - I may quit giving them out!!!!!![]()
:laugh: :cool2:
Not at all! We missed 'em Gloves...just knew that you were out of commission for a while. Get well soon!glovesetc said:had an enflamed or abcessed ulcer on my stomach wall and they took it out with surgery so i was not around last week and the pain pills knocked me for a loop so i did not even do my due diligence on posting and there was nothing I liked either . Ty for the kind words buddy . seems like nobody else missed the picks - I may quit giving them out!!!!!![]()
:laugh: :cool2:
I came out a little better. My bookie flew off to Vegas so I couldn't get my bets down at the prescribed time. Somebody up there likes me! :laugh:glovesetc said:the over was covered easily and S.F. came out like they were playing for the last playoff slot in NFL history ! We lose $250.00 vig for the day - hell you can't even get a decent dinner or hooker for that so all is well . See you next week !!!!:grin:
:laugh: :cool2:
No doubt. Unfortunately, I was not with you from the start.glovesetc said:we are so far ahead it would take an act of congress for us to blow this season . This week will be very interesting cause i really feel alot of teams are going to rest starters - except the pats of course - and that will have a huge bearing on bets . Have a safe and great holiday season buddy
glovesetc said:Well just goes to show you buddy that something for free can not always be bad . Gordon gekko called me out before the season and asked what I was doing with spreads and if I had expereience !!!! I replied 27 years and one losing season which I would say would defy everysingle SIMS , odds, or anything else you want to run on that record . This year you would be up $40,750.00 dollars and an extra $10,000.00 if you went with the GB/KC game reversal that we pulled off . Perhaps next year you will start at the beginning - if I am still around - you never know . Taking a limo tomorrow to the west virginia casino with 6 otherr guys and see how that works out - will give you guys a full report on it !!!!!!:grin:
:laugh: :cool2: