New Member
Hello, I'm new to these boards. This message board seem's pretty active so hopefully you guys might be able to help.
I'm not relitively new to card counting but then again I've never been in actual play. I've read Beat the Dealer by Thorp a couple times and its practicaly worn to shreds. Once in awhile I hear someone suggest another book but the technique Thorp describes is very simple for me (I use his simple point-count system) and me and the fact that he gives references to me gives the system much credence. Also because the MIT kids used something like this system I figgure it can't be all that bad.
Anyways I've been practicing off and on for about 2 years straight, dealing a couple hundred hands to myself a few nights a week and playing online BJ when I'm pretty certain that the program dosn't reshufle after every hand. BTW the BJ program on this site is probably the best I've found so far. But my problem is that while I never go broke, I also don't average a profit very often. I either play so long that I get board or I break even. If I keep playing I do eventualy make a small profit (usualy around 30%) but for most of the time, which can usualy be a long time, I play at probably a 20-30% loss before making a profit. I know that the system is working because more often than not the system completely recoups my losses and brining me back to the break-even point when the count is high.
Now the way I see it I can either learn one of the more percise counting methods which I don't really want to commit to becasue of school and work and am not to keen on keeping flash cards on me again, limit my top bet which is at about 5X my smallest bet so that I don't take large losses when the count is mid-high and I run into bad luck, or increase my lowest bet so that fewer wins will yeild the same profit.
Do any of these ideas sound viable alone or in combination to one another to fix my problem or do you guys have any other ideas? I can pretty much count in my sleep by now and I have basic strategy memorized backwards and forwards. I just need to tighten up my technique before putting any real money down on a table.
Anyways thanks for any help you guys might be able to give.
I'm not relitively new to card counting but then again I've never been in actual play. I've read Beat the Dealer by Thorp a couple times and its practicaly worn to shreds. Once in awhile I hear someone suggest another book but the technique Thorp describes is very simple for me (I use his simple point-count system) and me and the fact that he gives references to me gives the system much credence. Also because the MIT kids used something like this system I figgure it can't be all that bad.
Anyways I've been practicing off and on for about 2 years straight, dealing a couple hundred hands to myself a few nights a week and playing online BJ when I'm pretty certain that the program dosn't reshufle after every hand. BTW the BJ program on this site is probably the best I've found so far. But my problem is that while I never go broke, I also don't average a profit very often. I either play so long that I get board or I break even. If I keep playing I do eventualy make a small profit (usualy around 30%) but for most of the time, which can usualy be a long time, I play at probably a 20-30% loss before making a profit. I know that the system is working because more often than not the system completely recoups my losses and brining me back to the break-even point when the count is high.
Now the way I see it I can either learn one of the more percise counting methods which I don't really want to commit to becasue of school and work and am not to keen on keeping flash cards on me again, limit my top bet which is at about 5X my smallest bet so that I don't take large losses when the count is mid-high and I run into bad luck, or increase my lowest bet so that fewer wins will yeild the same profit.
Do any of these ideas sound viable alone or in combination to one another to fix my problem or do you guys have any other ideas? I can pretty much count in my sleep by now and I have basic strategy memorized backwards and forwards. I just need to tighten up my technique before putting any real money down on a table.
Anyways thanks for any help you guys might be able to give.