Depending on your bankroll, the use of a progressive betting system in addition to cc can be catastrophic or negligible depending on various factors. In a general sense, all progressive betting systems do is add variance. As long as your average bet at high counts is big enough compared to your average bets at negative counts, you will be in the black. However, there will be times when you are betting a much, much larger amount than your average bet, which is why the variance will be much bigger. For a person with an extremely large bankroll, this effect could be negligible. This will probably add some cover to your play, but by adding variance, this means your average bets will have to be smaller, which will decrease your profits, in addition to increasing your N0, making it take longer to have a good chance o winning. The reason we use proportional Kelly to pick our bet sizes is to maximize our bankroll growth and minimize the time it takes to come out ahead while reducing our risk.
If you want to extend your welcome, there are other measures you can take that isn't so costly.
Moral of the story: progressive betting with cc can work, but for all intents and purposes, it's better to bet fractional Kelly.