QFIT Free Basic Strategy Trainer


Well-Known Member
Just as in a casino, if you don't bet the dealer deals to the other players. Bet by moving the chips into a betting circle with the mouse. There are also several other methods excplained in the Help. When you first run it, there is a wizard that guides you through this.


Well-Known Member
I've been using it for about two weeks now.It took a little getting used to,but its a very realistic program.You don't get the same hands over and over,and its pretty simple to use,once you get the hang of it.
Its one of my regular drill sites now. Nicely done.


Well-Known Member
Qfit...you sure have the drive and motivation promoting your products, but you lack the street smarts when replying to posts that don't go your way. If you knew how to talk to people you would increase sales accordingly. You just never give anybody credit who disagrees with you a break. I don't doubt you have a good product, but it would be to your advantage to find someone else to post responses. Go ahead and hit me over the head like you normally do, but please understand I don't give a sh+t about your crying on the boards. Remember your not the only game in town.

Enjoy your day, jp


Well-Known Member
I am happy to say that I am devoid of "street smarts" and intend to stay that way until I die. I always find it remarkable that any time I give anything away for free; someone finds a reason to attack me. I have never even posted anything about this totally free program here - so how is it some promotion? If my motivation was sales, I would promote and support every idiotic, voodoo system, quickly add support and guarantee that you would win $6,532 every time you sat down. My "motivation" has never been sales. That's clear from my site that has over 100 pages, zero of which guarantee you will win. Some people cannot understand that.

jimpenn, what is your motivation? Why would you attack a free program that would help BS players. Would you like me to remove it? Can't we get along? I have nothing against you. Can't we be friends?


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
So Stalker is right! zg
Only if you are talking about his wing:)

Let me put it another way. I have "street smarts." I chose not to use them outside of threatening circumstances. Being lucky may be better than being good. But, being "right" is more important than being "smart."


Well-Known Member

Any chance that you would write a program for mac? I don't want to buy a new computer-trying to save my money for when I'm ready for the casinos!




I noticed first base stayed on a soft seventeen on one hand. Are the other players playing basic strategy also? I like the speed of play and the stats.
I intend to explore it further.
Well done.


Well-Known Member
eps6724 said:

Any chance that you would write a program for mac? I don't want to buy a new computer-trying to save my money for when I'm ready for the casinos!

Nope. Just not that many people.


Well-Known Member
eps6724 said:

Any chance that you would write a program for mac? I don't want to buy a new computer-trying to save my money for when I'm ready for the casinos!

Why not just get Parallels? It got good reviews.


Well-Known Member
jimpenn said:
You just never give anybody credit who disagrees with you a break.
Uh what the hell is that, two different sentences humped into one? Maybe you should listen to your own advice:

... but it would be to your advantage to find someone else to post responses.


Well-Known Member
MGP said:
Why not just get Parallels? It got good reviews.
Parallels only runs on the intel based Macs. I have asked QFIT this question as well; about porting to OS X. I had to go dust off the pc to use CV..


Well-Known Member
QFIT...I have no reason to lay a dime on you, but when you make negative comments concerning the Speed Count System you are completely wrong in many situations. This system tagged, "Better than Nothing" is true. Just using the SC for wonging out of early shoe is worth the price of the book. I completely understand that this system is low on most of the counting systems used today, but it gives a recreational player a much better chance limiting his losses than "Nothing at All." I actually admire you drive and motivation promoting your product. In regards to the "Free" information you give out, if I'm not mistaken it is limited to a certain point.

Take care and good luck...Peace.



Well-Known Member
jimpenn said:
QFIT...I have no reason to lay a dime on you, but when you make negative comments concerning the Speed Count System you are completely wrong in many situations. This system tagged, "Better than Nothing" is true. Just using the SC for wonging out of early shoe is worth the price of the book. I completely understand that this system is low on most of the counting systems used today, but it gives a recreational player a much better chance limiting his losses than "Nothing at All." I actually admire you drive and motivation promoting your product. In regards to the "Free" information you give out, if I'm not mistaken it is limited to a certain point.

Take care and good luck...Peace.

No, I am not wrong in anything that I have said about SC. And my sims agree with those by MathProf and Cacarulo. As for it being "better than nothing" for the recreational player - that is highly questionable. See

http://www.advantageplayer.com/blackjack/forums/bj-main/webbbs.cgi?read=19021 (Archive copy)

As for my free information being "limited," what do you mean? I never mentioned the free BS software on this site. The thread was started by ZG. And what are it's limitations? It does what it says it does and doesn't annoy people with popup ads or even mention my software at startup. I don't even have a tag line on my posts mentioning my site or software. This is the fifth time that you have characterized my posts as either "laying a dime" on something or promoting my software. I'm just another poster sharing information. Isn't that what these forums are for? Why can't you just respond to the content of posts without ascribing some imagined motivations?


Staff member
Norm, I'd like to see KO added to the list in the post you linked to.
Any chance we could get that info? I suspect that KO will look inferior to BS as well under those criteria.

P.S. Thanks for all the free stuff you provide to the community!


Well-Known Member
Don't know what to say about those sims,but I've played OPP 17 times,with a BR between 300-700 and have yet to go bankrupt.Best trip was three and change and worse was down about the same.
Seven sessions with KO have produced results in the same range.
Strangley,the best session I had all year was when I was real tired and just used bs for two shoes at The Sands in AC.Won 11 hands in a row at one point and ended up $500 in two shoes,on $10-25 bets.


Well-Known Member
KenSmith said:
Norm, I'd like to see KO added to the list in the post you linked to.
Any chance we could get that info? I suspect that KO will look inferior to BS as well under those criteria.
A very good question. As I mentioned in a different post, the problem with weak counting strategies is the large spread required. They are risky because they require high variance to obtain a positive EV. The sim for OPP had a spread of 1-16. To obtain an equivalent SCORE with these rules using KO, you would need a 1-6 spread. Actually, that gives KO about 17% higher SCORE than OPP with a 1-16 spread. The comparison follows:

OPP (perfectly played) will win 39.7% and go bankrupt 54.5% of the trips.
Basic Strategy will win 45.1% and go bankrupt 0.9% of the trips.
KO will win 51.8% and go bankrupt 23.7% of the trips.

So unlike OPP and BS, with KO you will win a little more often than lose in such trips. But, there is still a 1 in 4 chance of busting. Which you use depends on your goals. As I said in the original post, I have often advised people to stick with Basic Strategy. Usually loses me a sale; but I've never tried to talk anybody into counting.
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Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Don't know what to say about those sims,but I've played OPP 17 times,with a BR between 300-700 and have yet to go bankrupt.Best trip was three and change and worse was down about the same.
Seven sessions with KO have produced results in the same range.
Strangley,the best session I had all year was when I was real tired and just used bs for two shoes at The Sands in AC.Won 11 hands in a row at one point and ended up $500 in two shoes,on $10-25 bets.
When I test CV I need to try all sorts of wild play. For example, I might Split every pair no matter what. Even Split fives against a ten. Or Double every hand. I have played sessions like this where I have won huge amounts. OTOH, one of the top BJ players of all time had a losing streak that lasted over six months. Empirical evidence has very little meaning.