QFIT Free Basic Strategy Trainer


Well-Known Member
Thanks QFIT

QFIT I don't understand the criticism you've received here but I just want to say thanks for everything you've done here. You have helped me and a fellow counter enormously by allowing access to your programs, sims and from your contributions to this board. You have gained a couple of loyal customers and my bankroll thanks you as well!


Well-Known Member
SystemsTrader said:
QFIT I don't understand the criticism you've received here but I just want to say thanks for everything you've done here. You have helped me and a fellow counter enormously by allowing access to your programs, sims and from your contributions to this board. You have gained a couple of loyal customers and my bankroll thanks you as well!
ditto :1st:


Well-Known Member
Tip My hat

I would also like to concour with the above posts. The information qfit that you have given away on theses threads has been invaluable to me and many other people on this board,Thanks.As to why JP has a stick up his a#@ concerning your posts I just dont understand. Keep up the fine work.


QFIT, try a little tenderness

If you put free stuff out there and everyone likes your product, they'll naturally want to inquire about your other products.

Don't take offense now; there is nothing wrong with that approach.

Relax and try a little tenderness if some poster seems a little critical. Just as you vigorously defend your products, posters will strongly defend their sensibilities.


Well-Known Member
QFIT said:
When I test CV I need to try all sorts of wild play. For example, I might Split every pair no matter what. Even Split fives against a ten. Or Double every hand. I have played sessions like this where I have won huge amounts. OTOH, one of the top BJ players of all time had a losing streak that lasted over six months. Empirical evidence has very little meaning.
I agree that my particular small sampling means little,but I have a hard time reconciling your numbers of bankruptcys with actual observations I've been a party to.


Well-Known Member
$5 bets with a 1-16 spread means $5 to $80. With an $80 max bet and a $500 bankroll and Splits with DAS, going bust is very likely in 1,000 hands.


Well-Known Member
QFIT said:
OPP (perfectly played) will win 39.7% and go bankrupt 54.5% of the trips.
That is a terrifying factoid. I assume that OPP's winning sessions are quite big, which would be why it is at all effective?


Well-Known Member
QFIT said:
$5 bets with a 1-16 spread means $5 to $80. With an $80 max bet and a $500 bankroll and Splits with DAS, going bust is very likely in 1,000 hands.
Ok,I could see that.If those are your parameters,fine.Perhaps I'm mistaken but I don't believe you'll run into too many players with a $500 BR that make $80 bets unless they are doing a martengale or a stupid all-in last bet.
Perhaps if you kept the sims to a smaller spread(I go 1-4,1-5 tops) they would reflect closer the real life experiances Jimm and I are getting.
Would it be much trouble to do a sim with a 1-4 spread?


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Ok,I could see that.If those are your parameters,fine.Perhaps I'm mistaken but I don't believe you'll run into too many players with a $500 BR that make $80 bets unless they are doing a martengale or a stupid all-in last bet.
Perhaps if you kept the sims to a smaller spread(I go 1-4,1-5 tops) they would reflect closer the real life experiances Jimm and I are getting.
Would it be much trouble to do a sim with a 1-4 spread?
This is the problem with weak counting systems. They require a large spread to obtain a positive EV and that means a large variance. OPP with a spread of 1-5 has a negative EV. I would bet that the majority of OPP players are playing a negative EV game.

Now if you're backcounting, that's different. The spread can be much smaller. But, recreational players that visit a couple times a year don't backcount. They don't travel to LV to watch other people play:)
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Well-Known Member
Quick question about your free trainer... it keeps telling me that I should stand with a J-3-3 hand against a dealer face card.

This isn't right, is it?


Well-Known Member
QFIT said:
Basic strategy is to hit 16vT unless it is three or more cards.
you got me wondering. if one goes by a basic strategy chart say for multiple deck (charts such as commonly found on internet, and some found in the literature) it's most common just to see (for example) 16 V T hit.
i believe i've read in the literature (perhaps Blackbelt In Blackjack by Snyder & Renzey in Blackjack Bluebook!!) that like you say stand 16VT if three or more cards.
but what i'm wondering is if one goes by a chart as alluded to above how does one know to hit 16VT unless three or more cards asside from knowing basic strategy departures?


Well-Known Member
The rule of 45 is Fred Renzey's rule. Nothing wrong with it and quite possibly better. Stand on three cards is the older, more well known rule. Frankly, if you are playing BS, flip a coin.

The best rule is: Don't play where there is no Surrender:)


Well-Known Member
"Don't play where there is no surrender." I removed the stick up my *ss, but you just eliminated a large number of the casinos in the US. Did you really mean what you said? If so, could you tell me what percentage of casinos within the US that offers surrender? I will assume you meant late surrender.

Thanks, jp


Well-Known Member
jimpenn said:
"Don't play where there is no surrender." I removed the stick up my *ss, but you just eliminated a large number of the casinos in the US. Did you really mean what you said? If so, could you tell me what percentage of casinos within the US that offers surrender? I will assume you meant late surrender.

Thanks, jp
1. Did you see the smiley?
2. I was talking about Basic Strategy play.
3. Obviously you should not eliminate all non-LS stores. But, you must eliminate most casinos for one reason or another.

Please, tell me what your problem is with my posts. Look, Scoblete lied to you. All I did was post honest, free sims after he attempted to stop me from evaluating his system. Why shoot the messenger?

Sometimes I don't know why I bother trying to help people.


Well-Known Member
On second thought, if you are using a weak count; playing only strong games is good advice. The combination of a weak count and a weak game is a strong risk.