Question about Hosts


Well-Known Member
I have dealt with many Hosts during the last year and a lot of the time I just go up to the Host desk or into the Office and just talk to whoever is working there.

But since Hosts make a percentage of their players actual or theoretical loss, when does a Host get "assigned" to you? And at this point will no other host at that property work with you except him/her?

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member

Each casino probably has its own host guidelines.

If throwing money around you can get approached by one or ask for one.

When you get assigned one, they see to you unless there off work, then another can act for them.

Can probably change hosts if u wish, may be some hurt feelings or bad blood.


Well-Known Member
I know HOW to find the hosts, I'm just asking at what point do they start making $$ from your play? Is it the first time they comp you something?

When I first starting dealing with hosts a year ago I talked to a host at the Palazzo and next time I showed up I went to talk to a different host and she said "Oh, actually I can't help you. You have to talk to your host." and I was like wtf I have a specific host?

Then that host turned out to be a straight a**hole so I went up to the host desk and asked to be re-assigned which was no problem.


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
When I first starting dealing with hosts a year ago I talked to a host at the Palazzo and next time I showed up I went to talk to a different host and she said "Oh, actually I can't help you. You have to talk to your host." and I was like wtf I have a specific host?

I only recently found out I have "a host" at my usual haunt, never knew I had been assigned one.

But what's really weird is my host works day shift, and I'm rarely there during her working hours. What sense does that make.


paddywhack said:
I only recently found out I have "a host" at my usual haunt, never knew I had been assigned one.

But what's really weird is my host works day shift, and I'm rarely there during her working hours. What sense does that make.
Are you still expecting casino decisions to make sense?


Well-Known Member
Don't know the answer to your question exactly and i'm sure it vary from place to place, but you might want to grab one of the players club brochures that lays out all of the benefits for each tier level. A couple of my local places will call out "personal executive casino host" for the top 1 or 2 players club tiers.


Well-Known Member
Dye I cant answer your question. But in years past if i knew i was going to be at a joint for a while..........i always made it a point to find out who is the highest ranking Host. Hosts have huge huge power in a decent casino.
There is a pecking order.............Try to get one of the top 3 guys or gals, they have the biggest ego's and that can be used to your advantage.
Do Host's actually make money off of you? Like a percentage of your action? I'm not so sure that is the norm? I could be wrong...



Well-Known Member
Machinist said:
Dye I cant answer your question. But in years past if i knew i was going to be at a joint for a while..........i always made it a point to find out who is the highest ranking Host. Hosts have huge huge power in a decent casino.
There is a pecking order.............Try to get one of the top 3 guys or gals, they have the biggest ego's and that can be used to your advantage.
Do Host's actually make money off of you? Like a percentage of your action? I'm not so sure that is the norm? I could be wrong...

From what I understand Hosts make a % of either your ACTUAL or THEORETICAL loss depending on the specific property.

But maybe this is only if a host recruits you to come to a property, I'm not sure.


Active Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
From what I understand Hosts make a % of either your ACTUAL or THEORETICAL loss depending on the specific property.
I keep thinking that but across the board hosts are SO terrible I can't believe this is true. Or maybe since it's the casino industry it doesn't matter and they still rake in mad bank.


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
From what I understand Hosts make a % of either your ACTUAL or THEORETICAL loss depending on the specific property.

But maybe this is only if a host recruits you to come to a property, I'm not sure.
It's been a while since I read it, but this book has some background info on all how the whole host thing works, not a huge lot of info for AP's, but not a bad read anyway. Steve Cyr (the guy who the books based on) was also on Gambling with an Edge recently, where Richard asked about comping AP's.


Well-Known Member
AussiePlayer said:
It's been a while since I read it, but this book has some background info on all how the whole host thing works, not a huge lot of info for AP's, but not a bad read anyway. Steve Cyr (the guy who the books based on) was also on Gambling with an Edge recently, where Richard asked about comping AP's.
Oh yeah I read an article about this book but forgot about it - thanks!

And Hosts are not necessarily terrible... you just need to get to the level where they WANT to give you everything you ask for.


Well-Known Member
21gunsalute said:
Seriously? Are you still holding out hope of getting a good meal there too?
Most of it's decent, except that god awful buffet.

I'm not the gourmet, give me a decent burger and I'm happy.

It's also easier to stomach the food (pardon the pun) when it doesn't cost you a dime.


Active Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
Oh yeah I read an article about this book but forgot about it - thanks!

And Hosts are not necessarily terrible... you just need to get to the level where they WANT to give you everything you ask for.
Oh they want too, they're just too dumb/lazy to spell their own names let alone take less than 6months to fill out a form to comp airfare.

Countless bad experiences from highest level card at huge national casino chain. Then again I was at the el dorado in reno three months ago, played ONE day, WON money and the host there was awesome. I guess we're off topic now though, hah.


Well-Known Member
Literally every casino I've been to has a different system for hosts. Probably some are on commission, some based on theo, some based on actual loss, some are just paid salary. I've even found discrepancies shift to shift.