Question about Spanish 21 basic strategy


Well-Known Member
nuvi said:
The following bugs in the Spanish 21 trainer have now been fixed:

1) Under Standard S17, 8 decks: After doubling down on 11 against a dealer's Ace, I received a 6 and surrendered with 17. The game told me that I was incorrect. It said that I should have HIT. But hitting was not an option because I had already doubled down. The correct play was indeed to Surrender because hitting was not possible.

2) Under Standard S17, 8 decks: I had a 7 of spades and an 8 of spades, and the dealer had a 4. I hit, but the game incorrectly told me that the correct play was to stand.

3) In the three versions of Spanish 21 (Standard H17, Redouble H17, Standard S17), the dealer receives a "hole card" (a card facing down). The dealer should "peek" at that card, and the game should immediately end if the dealer has a blackjack (an Ace and a face card). Currently, the dealer does not "peek". In the Pontoon versions of the game, there is no hole card, and the game seems to work correctly.

4) In the Spanish 21 game, if a player doubles down and receives a card that makes the total less than 17 and subsequently STANDS, the game incorrectly tells the player that he should have SURRENDERED.
GREAT game. Is there a way to automatically stand w/o having to hit stand after doubling and taking a card?

also is there a way to program penetration and advise remaining cards once you have adjusted settings for appropriate decks?

if HiLo is the preferred count is there a way to keep a running/true count?

again, thank you for all your efforts.


Well-Known Member
MasterofNone said:
GREAT game. Is there a way to automatically stand w/o having to hit stand after doubling and taking a card?
You need to choose stand or surrender/forfeit after doubling. (or re-double if available)


Well-Known Member
possible bug

I was just playing, and it said my 7,6 v 6 decision to "Hit" was wrong... possible bug? or did i not set up the rules correctly?

Edit: nevermind - I didn't realize I had to go into the Practice mode to change the settings from H17 to S17.


Active Member
MasterofNone said:
clear on that but would it be better to add a double vs. re-double to settings? thx
Because there are so many rule variations, I decided to use a fixed number of rule sets.

And because surrendering/forfeiting/conceding is an option, the player must act again after doubling, even if the correct decision is apparently obvious.

But maybe using the keyboard shortcuts could make it a little easier?