question for men


Going unnoticed

I would like to point out that effective camo involves not looking like the stereotype of behavior assigned to any thing someone might be profiling. Think about what a counter is likely to do and how they would behave then do otherwise. Some of the previous posts should give an idea of the behavior most follow. They are the easy ones to spot.


Well-Known Member
real men

creeping panther said:

Yes, I do stand corrected! Very sorry for that mistake, I have been taken to the woodshed:eek:

Yes, first female card counting AP is what I meant as Y has attended every event and C all but one and both apply AP in their respective arenas, for sure and for certain:) Y, even a member of the MMOA,, with the COLORS to prove it!!:cool:

lmao CP, just a shop talk jargon technical foo-pa, no biggie!!! lol.
right, right ..... colors and all, special US mail delivery, lol........ my friend you are a gentleman and a scholar, imho.

but all that just an aside, more to the OP's post, mica, us guyz, men, those of us real wons, messed up as we can be, well truth be known, we really truly can and do learn a lot from you ladies with all due respect, generally no acting condescending meant. and in the cases you mentioned, just guessing here, but if men are coming off that way then you might just have a very endearing blessed natural form of camo.:cool2:


Well-Known Member
mica said:

what is the best way to stop mature male BJ players from acting condescending towards me without bringing unwanted attention to myself or undue embarrassment to the guys who think a female can't count to 21?

I am a fairly good (card counting) female. I am getting a little tired of guys constantly saying: "you've got 14, 15, 16...etc ...that's not going to beat better hit that". have 18, 19, 20....not going to improve that should stand". to add insult to
injury...these remarks are often addresses to

recently, I got fed up with a particular gentleman...after he said "you've got 19
sweetie"....I replied: "and you have 17, HONEY". although no one at the table paid any attention to his many comments to me.,,,everyones eyes widened when I spoke up....including the dealer.

any suggestions for handling situations like this without coming across as a b-----?

Your problem is you think that all males playing blackjack are mature :grin:
Like already mentioned, if something offensive comes your way, the casino will take action. My advice is to ignore this kind of crap and do what you came to do.

Zach Black

Active Member
Is this really a male/female thing. I've had younger,older, males & females try to correct play my BS deviations. People like to be helpful. And get pissed when they think your play is costing them money.


Well-Known Member
I know a couple of women that can calculate in their heads with lightning speed. If they were ever to learn basic strategy and indicies, they would be deadly in the stores! :cool:

Props to all you lady APs out there! :grin:



Well-Known Member
Zach Black said:
Is this really a male/female thing. I've had younger,older, males & females try to correct play my BS deviations. People like to be helpful. And get pissed when they think your play is costing them money.
The OP was not referring to "helpful" individuals and wasn't necessarily referring to "correcting BS deviations". Ploppys are a-holes, for the most part, but we have to put up with them because they basically pay our salaries.:rolleyes:

I don't think this is a male/female thing at all. Loud mouth know-it-alls come in all ages, genders, colors, nationalities, you name it. Like others have said, don't pay any attention to them. Get the money!

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
Thunder said:
Mica, two things. All you have to do is say, "18 isn't a winning hand here. If I'm going to lose, I rather go down swinging." Secondly you need to learn more about betting ramps and risk of ruin as you going into a casino with $50 and playing BJ is virtually guaranteed to have you leave a loser.
Yeah, because you're going to reach the long run SOOO fast with that $50. :rolleyes:
You're not virtually guaranteed to have ANYTHING happen with $50. If you consistently go with just $50, then yes you have extremely high chances of being a long term loser.

But for one session? Pfft, anything can happen, you're almost as likely to be a winner as you are to lose.


Active Member
$50 :)

for the per session bankroll is more than $50. I just didn't need to
reach into my wallet (purse :)) the first time I tried counting. also....buying in for $50 or $100 chips is part of my camo ....I like PB's to think I'm a bored housewife out spending her allowance!

thx for all the great replies! lots of good and useful info...will put to use tonight!

happy counting!



Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:

It is effective camo' to buy in (repeatedly if need be) in small amounts.
It is good camo, definitely better than buying in with a huge amount. But it does start getting a bit absurd, like when your constantly losing at a high count, with bigger bets of course. So this should be kept in mind.

I think $50 buy is too little, unless your playing a $5 game.


Well-Known Member

The sequential small buy-ins as needed creates an image of a "desperation" player;
especially as the floor-person is required to note the buy-ins, which more often than
not are not being made pursuant to minimal bets.


Active Member
ok to appear desparate ?

FLASH1296 said:

The sequential small buy-ins as needed creates an image of a "desperation" player;
especially as the floor-person is required to note the buy-ins, which more often than
not are not being made pursuant to minimal bets.
I'm not sure if appearing "desperate" would work for or against me in terms of camo?

a retired BJ dealer that often plays told me that buying in for more ($300 +) results in better comps. someone else told me that buy in doesn't matter...only bet amount and time at table ate recorded ?




If you make sure the PB knows of each rebuy your total buyin should be correct. Smaller buy ins help make you look like you dont intend on using a big spread. Your friend is generally right but I have heard that some casinos do use your drop as a factor.
mica said:
I'm not sure if appearing "desperate" would work for or against me in terms of camo?

a retired BJ dealer that often plays told me that buying in for more ($300 +) results in better comps. someone else told me that buy in doesn't matter...only bet amount and time at table ate recorded ?


You want to look like a gambler on tilt, when you raise your bet you want it to look like either greed or trying to make up for previous losses. I start raving like a screwball. Other forms of camo might work better for you.


Well-Known Member

One of the most persistent casino myths is that your buy-in counts toward your comp rating.

It does not and it never did.

The immortality of this nonsense is that it is promulgated by casino employees who want to encourage people to bring lots of moolah to their tables.

Earlier this month, I was in a casino where, accompanied by 2 other (respected) posters from this site, watched a guy buy-in at a craps table for $60,000 (via a marker plus cash). The table offered 100-1 ODDS on Pass Line and Come bets so he bet minimally (often as little as $10) on the pass line (with multiple come bets) and took odds with $1,000 chips.

The reason that I am mentioning this is that he will be rewarded with virtually NO comps at all.


Active Member
One time a player drew an 11. He asked the players at the table if he should double down. Of course, we all said, it's a no brainer. He said he asked because he didn't want to screw up the cards.

I told him, "Play your hand the way you want to. This is not a team game."

When a player at my table hits a 15 against a 5 or stands on 15 againt a ten, I try to remember that it's not a team game.

Mica, a gentle reminder of this should help.


I hope everyone here realizes that the next 2 cards have the same probability of being in either order. Any card you use when hitting could have just as easily been the next card and vice versa. People who play with no advantage want to believe they have an affect on outcome that doesnt exist. Some just like to blame others for their misfortune. How many times have you been thanked by these same people when your play takes the "dealers make card" and saves the table? They won that time because they know what they are doing not because of what you did.


Well-Known Member
You could probably be a card counting millionaire - you will never be profiled for being a card counter and benevolent sexist pit bosses will likely not kick you out even if you are killing them.

Want to be my partner?

tthree said:
I hope everyone here realizes that the next 2 cards have the same probability of being in either order. Any card you use when hitting could have just as easily been the next card and vice versa. People who play with no advantage want to believe they have an affect on outcome that doesnt exist. Some just like to blame others for their misfortune. How many times have you been thanked by these same people when your play takes the "dealers make card" and saves the table? They won that time because they know what they are doing not because of what you did.
I love to tell people they saved the table,,,even if they did not, it is such a corny azz cliche,,,that I just gotta love it,,,delivered with a mixed brew of awe and stupidity and a dose of sarcasm:laugh:



Well-Known Member
FrankieT is guilty of simple hyperbole.

Your gender does provides an extra measure of camouflage, so to speak.

"never" ?

