Question for Zen experts, on 77/88 during certain count, split or surrender??


Active Member
I've been playing H17 No surrender game in Washington but, now I'm 2 hours away from couple of PA casinos with LS, this became an issue.

On Zen count, 88 vs 10 is a split when TC is <16, or stand on TC > 0, or surrender at TC>-8.
Which would you do? I'm leaning toward surrender.

88vs9 is split TC<4, but surrender indice is TC>0.

77 has same issues as well, the indice overlaps.

Which should I go with, surrender or split?


Active Member
index does say surrender at >16.

77vs9 though, shares same index, split at 8, and surrender at 8, which calls for max bet. Which would you choose?

Same goes for 77vs10, index overlaps ._.


Active Member
Zexika said:
I've been playing H17 No surrender game in Washington but, now I'm 2 hours away from couple of PA casinos with LS, this became an issue.

On Zen count, 88 vs 10 is a split when TC is <16, or stand on TC > 0, or surrender at TC>-8.
Which would you do? I'm leaning toward surrender.

88vs9 is split TC<4, but surrender indice is TC>0.

77 has same issues as well, the indice overlaps.

Which should I go with, surrender or split?

nvm this one, I saw wrong index. It's 16vs9 surrender@0, but 88vs9 says split, not TC<4

77vs9 though I still need help. 14vs9 surrenders at TC>8, but also says split at same TC.
77vsX is same. Shares TC>4 for both surrender and split.


Active Member
This raises question: Which index does CVData prioritize on simulations? Surrender or split when the index is the same?


Well-Known Member
Surrender takes priority. If you can not surrender then you move on to the index for splitting and then, if you can't split, to hit/stand