New Member
First time poster here, with a story I’ll try to keep brief, and a question. After having quit playing BJ for years, I started playing again a couple of years ago at two Midwest casinos that deal primarily from 8-deck shoes but have otherwise pretty good rules -- about a 0.4% house edge. Although I play perfect basic strategy, I do not count -- I’ve practiced at home but just don’t seem to have the mindset to maintain an accurate count at the tables. Otherwise I’m a very patient player able to grind out long sessions, and I don’t buy into any of the usual ploppy myths. During this period, I estimate I have played about 70K hands and wagered about $3.5M. Based on the house edge and the fact that I also tip, I calculate that with all else being equal I should be in the hole about $26,000. But instead (and I keep very accurate records), I am nearly $10,000 in the black. I generally use a base bet of $25. My strategy, for what it’s worth, is to ride hot streaks, particularly in the second half of shoes, with a spread as high as 12x. Before you all scream, I am aware that in the absence of AP techniques, there should be no way to predict what is coming based on what has taken place. However, my question is this: Is it possible that I am identifying positive-count situations without actually counting? In other words, by simple observation of when conditions are favorable to players, could I level the field or gain even a partial advantage? Or have I just been lucky so far?