Question of banning?


Well-Known Member
when you get backed off / barred, do you just carry your chips out of the casino, or do you stop at the cage and get them cashed. If u carry them out, how do you end up getting you cash?


Well-Known Member
p8ntballsk8r said:
when you get backed off / barred, do you just carry your chips out of the casino, or do you stop at the cage and get them cashed. If u carry them out, how do you end up getting you cash?
They let you cash your chips.


I was working up in Niagara for a few days and stayed at the casino. I'm just a casual player with my BS down and the KO count when I feel like it. I would hit the BJ tables in the evenings and was up 800 units after three evening sessions. Of course I was having a great time, drinking, being chatty, OVER BETTING, and winning.
On the fourth evening I started to sit down and the "boys" escorted me to the side and explained that I was no longer allowed to play BJ in their casino, but any of the other games were ok. So I really gave them the suprised, oh my gosh, huh, ok... lines because I REALLY WAS SUPRISED. Hell. I was drinking it up.. loosing the count.. over betting.. but I was up big.
Later that evening I ran into a PB that I was familiar with and told him the deal (he already knew).
"What's up with that.. come on man.. I was having a good time gambling".
"Ya. Ya. I know. Tell ya what. I'll go ahead and comp your room and meals but you still can't play BJ."

Fine with me.
First time I have had any heat. Probably the last. They must have known that I was just a really bad, but lucky, counter and decided not to throw me out. So, I walked out after 5 days with a free room and some meals (which I still charged my company on the monthly expense report) and around 800 ($10 dollar) units over what I started with.
supercoolmancool said:
They let you cash your chips.
Careful. There have been exceptions to this rule. If they are going to accuse you of cheating they will probably not cash your chips, and if it is an Indian casino you will have no recourse. If you suspect that is going to happen, leave with the chips and consult with some veteran players to get your money back.


Well-Known Member
It was recently pointed out by one of our "pro" members that it isn't a good idea to cash out right after being backed off.He stated that the cage might be prepared and get better photos of you than the overhead cameras can get.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Careful. There have been exceptions to this rule. If they are going to accuse you of cheating they will probably not cash your chips, and if it is an Indian casino you will have no recourse. If you suspect that is going to happen, leave with the chips and consult with some veteran players to get your money back.
Right on...I've had to be that "third party" chip-casher for a good friend last year. You can never be too safe if you ask me when it comes to that.

good luck


Well-Known Member
Jerome said:
I was working up in Niagara for a few days and stayed at the casino. I'm just a casual player with my BS down and the KO count when I feel like it. I would hit the BJ tables in the evenings and was up 800 units after three evening sessions. Of course I was having a great time, drinking, being chatty, OVER BETTING, and winning.

Fine with me.
First time I have had any heat. Probably the last. They must have known that I was just a really bad, but lucky, counter and decided not to throw me out. So, I walked out after 5 days with a free room and some meals (which I still charged my company on the monthly expense report) and around 800 ($10 dollar) units over what I started with.
Ontario or Seneca Niagara in NY. I go there and have never noticed heat .... though it sounds like they were discrete.

PS: if your company pays per diem you're probably OK, but if they pay actual hotel & mean costs, I'd be careful who you tell.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Careful. There have been exceptions to this rule. If they are going to accuse you of cheating they will probably not cash your chips, and if it is an Indian casino you will have no recourse. If you suspect that is going to happen, leave with the chips and consult with some veteran players to get your money back.
I walked up to the table and put down 2k in Benjamins. It was a green chip table and they raised an eyebrow. My betting was like a wave. Followed the count to the T. After 45 minutes and up 3k they asked If I wold like a dinner on the house. I obliged and had a nice salmon dinner with Indian bread.

Cashed in my chips and walked out to the parking lot. I saw that there was a nice pickle bucket sitting in the planting strip with a handicap sign in it. Mu fuka. I walked backed into the casino red as the devil and a woman walked up to me and said " Mr Miller, Im sorry but you are no longer welcome in our Casino." I was irate. A few grand and they are kicking me out? I asked in a calm tone where the hell is my car. She gave me the number to the towing company.
Well to make a long story short, It cost me 3k to get my car back. Watch your butt at Indian casinos.
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mdlbj said:
I walked up to the table and put down 2k in Benjamins.
Well to make a long story short, It cost me 3k to get my car back. Watch your butt at Indian casinos.
Did they claim you were illegally parked? And how did they come up with $3000 in fees? I assume they didn't admit doing it out of spite.


Well-Known Member
banter on the bans

I usually play at the indian casinos which is another reason I'm a little leary about drawing heat. I don't think at this stage of my game I will, but I don't want to push my luck. I have heard a few stories about how the tribe handles wiseguys and don't want to find out if it's true. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
I usually play at the indian casinos which is another reason I'm a little leary about drawing heat. I don't think at this stage of my game I will, but I don't want to push my luck. I have heard a few stories about how the tribe handles wiseguys and don't want to find out if it's true. blackchipjim
word to that!