tthree said:
Your aggregate bet is the match play and the coupon which wins 2x but you are surrendering x/2 AND DON"T LOSE THE COUPON.
I thin flash got it right.
Let's say I have 8 $25 chips (total $200) & 8 $25 match play coupons (value $100 at 50% of face value).
Thus I start with total assets of $300.
Then I play 8 hands, each with 1 $25 chip & 1 match play coupon.
If I win 3 hands (37.5% win frequency), I wind up with $225 in chips & no match play coupons. (EV -.25)
If I surrender all 8 hands, I wind up with $100 in chips & still have all 8 match play coupons. I now have total assets $200. (EV -.33)
Why is this $200 not the same as the $225 if 37.5% is the right win frequency?
Alternatively, let's say I start with 3 $25 chips & 3 $25 match play coupons (value $37.50 at 50% of face value).
Thus I start with total assets of $112.50.
Then I play 3 hands, each with 1 $25 chip $ 1 $25 match play coupon.
If I win 1 hand (33.3% win frequency), I wind up with $75 in chips & no match play coupons. (EV -.33)
If I surrender all 3 hands, I wind up with $37.50 in chips & still have all 3 match play coupons, total value $75, (EV -.33)
same as if I had won 1 out of 3 hands.
Let me know if you think this makes sense, or if not, please help me understand.