Questioning old theories


Well-Known Member
another good time to stop is when the automonkey equilibrium point has been crossed (the number of security guards is greater than the true count).


Well-Known Member
Your late!

EasyRhino said:
another good time to stop is when the automonkey equilibrium point has been crossed (the number of security guards is greater than the true count).
Sounds like you should have left already:)


Well-Known Member
I leave..

when I hit hard 17. Also when I hit hard 12 against a dealer 4 up card.
I made both these mistakes last week. The moment I made each mistake, I knew it and colored in. Even though I was up in both sessions. First session I bought in for $300 and cashed out with $650 after getting tired and hitting a hard 17. The second session I bought in for $100 and cashed out for $650 after hitting the 12. Both sessions were just from fatigue.


Well-Known Member
All it takes is one point negative to make hitting 12 vs. dealer 4 the right call. Are you saying that it is a mistake because you blow your cover?


Well-Known Member

I was tired. Even count. I motioned for a hit without looking at the dealers up card. As he pulled the card off the deck I said whoa and threw my hand up and said no. He held the card in front of him where he could see it but no one else could. He smirked and frowned and told me he couldn't put it back. This is DD pitch. He hit my 10,2 with a 4, for hard 16. Guy at third base stood on 10,10. The dealer ended up making a four card hand of about 18. I was just tired and making mistakes.


Well-Known Member
That happens. Just for kicks I think I remember hitting hard 17 against an ace is the right move if the UAPC count is maybe neg 10 or so, I am a little rusty on the indices.

And yes I know Uston is outdated but I am too old to change and love it.