Questions about surrender.


Is this a common player condition or do most casino's not allow it? When should I surrender? Does this change with the number of decks? Is there a hand gesture for surrender that the eye in the sky can see? What if you split aces and recieve 2 more aces, is surrender a good play then? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Not very common on low stakes tables. Surrender 15,16 against a dealer ten. Thats about it for the most part.


Well-Known Member
Yeah generally you will want to surrender 15, 16 vs a 10 and 16 vs a 9. I believe that at most casinos surrender is not an option after splitting, you can only surrender your starting hand.


Well-Known Member
RFB said:
Is this a common player condition or do most casino's not allow it? When should I surrender? Does this change with the number of decks? Is there a hand gesture for surrender that the eye in the sky can see? What if you split aces and recieve 2 more aces, is surrender a good play then? Thanks.
Check out basic strategy engine on this site. Only hand gesture for surrender I know of is to pretend you are drawing a straight line on the felt with your index finger. Splitting aces: Most joints I play allow re-splitting aces up to four times. If not allowed, hope for the best. I think late surrender is only allowed on first two cards.


Well-Known Member
You can NEVER surrender a split hand.

Basic Strategy for most games is to surrender 16 vs 9, 10, Ace & 15 vs. 10

Easy to remember -- just 4 hand matchups.

Card Counters surrender some other hands (at the requisite True Count)
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Well-Known Member
Basic Strategy and CBS for Surrender

RFB said:
Is this a common player condition or do most casino's not allow it? When should I surrender? Does this change with the number of decks? Is there a hand gesture for surrender that the eye in the sky can see? What if you split aces and recieve 2 more aces, is surrender a good play then? Thanks.
Basic Strategy for Surrender
Surrender 16 vs 9,10, Ace
Surrender 15 vs 10
Surrender 15 vs Ace in h17 game
Surrender 17 vs Ace in h17 game
Surrender 88 vs 10 in h17 game but not in s17 game

The Counters Basic Strategy additions to surrender (Fixed Strategy for Card Counters based on 16-1 spread on multiple deck games)

Make the following changes to the above according for CBS strategy.
Stand on all 17's (no surrender in h17 game)
Surrender 15 vs Ace in both h17 and s17 games
Surrender 88 vs Ace in h17 game (Split in s17 game)
Surrender 77 vs 10 in both h17 and s17 games
Surrender 77 vs Ace in s17 game, Hit in h17 game.

Most casinos prefer not to use a hand signal for surrender (it looks too much like a hit). Others use the horizontal line drawn behind your bet, be careful in using this as you might get a hit, (although sometimes that works as a free card which you can choose to decline if it sucks).


Well-Known Member
bigplayer said:
Surrender 17 vs Ace in h17 game
Thanks bigplayer! I've stared at the H17 bs chart for years and never noticed that you should surrender 17 vs A. Makes complete sense in retrospect.

Very informative and accurate information.


Well-Known Member
It's a state law in Pennsylvania so every casino has the surrender option, along with some of the best blackjack rules in the country.


Well-Known Member
bigplayer said:
Basic Strategy for Surrender
Surrender 16 vs 9,10, Ace
Surrender 15 vs 10
Surrender 15 vs Ace in h17 game
Surrender 17 vs Ace in h17 game
Surrender 88 vs 10 in h17 game but not in s17 game.
That surrender play of 8/8 in an H17 game is against the Ace (-.514 EV) -- not against a 10 (-.484 EV).
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Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
I was just going to post that. Also surrendering 17 v A in a H17 game is a bit different than other plays, as you would surrender if the TC is < 1, rather than make the play at or above the index number. So if the TC is 1 or higher, you do not surrender.


Well-Known Member
On one trip in Vegas, a player next to me became angry every time I surrendered. (And I was using it correctly.) She said it was a "chicken" play and SHE didn't believe in surrender because she came to PLAY! I guess she thought I was a real wimp.


Well-Known Member


When you hear (anything) that is strikingly stooopid "consider the source"

In this case, it is the innumerate of the world that permits us to enjoy BJ.


tribute said:
On one trip in Vegas, a player next to me became angry every time I surrendered. (And I was using it correctly.) She said it was a "chicken" play and SHE didn't believe in surrender because she came to PLAY! I guess she thought I was a real wimp.

She was showing you great disrespect, return the favor, don't take it as you will then be a.... wimp



Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
She was showing you great disrespect, return the favor, don't take it as you will then be a.... wimp

Typical uneducated gambler. She sat to my left and was the recipient of all those surrendered cards, so she blamed ME when things didn't go her way.
tribute said:
Typical uneducated gambler. She sat to my left and was the recipient of all those surrendered cards, so she blamed ME when things didn't go her way.
When I choose to respond to complaints about surrendering, I ask them if they fold when they play poker and if not, would they like to come to the poker room with me.


Well-Known Member
Good reply (would u like to play poker with me?) Luv it. (I'm a believer in Surrender) I ran into this one time by a player at the table after I surrendered a hand, he said, "I've never surrendered and I never will." I didn't say anything but believe me I really wanted to respond with "Then I'd guess you never won over any length of time in this game, and you never will." But I didn't say anything but instead watched his chips go down as he defiantly hit hands he should have surrendered and soon after left the table, apparently proud he battled to the end. Me, I prefer to live on :) My favorite surrender story was a play I saw; he surrendered on a 500 bet (some players shook their heads) then added 500 more to his 250 left on the next hand, was dealt a 9 vs dealer 4, doubled it, won it, and left with their 1500 (a 1250 profit). Good play (btw best as I could tell he was approximately even up til that point, he was only at the table for the one shoe.)